MM 60: Phase Transitions II
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 15:30–17:00, H5
15:30 |
MM 60.1 |
Colloidal model systems for undercooled metallic melts — •Ina Klassen, Patrick Wette, Dirk Holland-Moritz, Thomas Palberg, and Dieter M. Herlach
15:45 |
MM 60.2 |
Crystallization in a model system of charged colloidal particles: How do larger particles influence the crystallization process and therefore the resulting microstructure? — •Andreas Engelbrecht and Hans Joachim Schöpe
16:00 |
MM 60.3 |
Competition between heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation near a flat wall — Andreas Engelbrecht, Roushdey Salh, and •Hans Joachim Schöpe
16:15 |
MM 60.4 |
Bulk liquid undercooling and nucleation in Nickel — •Joachim Bokeloh, Anna Moros, and Gerhard Wilde
16:30 |
MM 60.5 |
Investigation of nucleation in undercooled metal melts — •Stefan Klein and Dieter M. Herlach
16:45 |
MM 60.6 |
Neural Network Potential-Energy Surfaces for Materials Simulations — Nongnuch Artrith, Tobias Morawietz, and •Jörg Behler