O 11: Methods: Scanning probe techniques II
Montag, 22. März 2010, 15:00–17:30, H32
15:00 |
O 11.1 |
Light emission from single Ag atom contacts — •Natalia Schneider, Guillaume Schull, and Richard Berndt
15:15 |
O 11.2 |
Investigating the voltage dependence of the apparent barrier height in scanning tunneling microscopy — •Michael Becker and Richard Berndt
15:30 |
O 11.3 |
Deconvolution of the local density of states from constant-current tunneling spectra — •Holger Pfeifer, Berndt Koslowski, and Paul Ziemann
15:45 |
O 11.4 |
Local density of states from constant-current tunneling spectra — Martin Ziegler, Nicolas Néel, •Alexander Sperl, Jörg Kröger, and Richard Berndt
16:00 |
O 11.5 |
Structure and Charge State Characterization of Line Defects in the Alumina Film on NiAl(110) by Dynamic Force Microscopy — •Leonid Lichtenstein, Lars Heinke, Georg Hermann Simon, Thomas König, Markus Heyde, and Hans-Joachim Freund
16:15 |
O 11.6 |
Lateral Piezoelectric Response at Domain Boundaries in Bulk Single Crystals — Florian Johann, Tobias Jungk, Martin Lilienblum, Akos Hoffmann, and •Elisabeth Soergel
16:30 |
O 11.7 |
Infrared near-field optical microscopy on sub-surface doped silicon — •Rainer Jacob, Manfred Helm, Stephan Winnerl, Harald Schneider, Marc Tobias Wenzel, Hans-Georg von Ribbeck, and Lukas M. Eng
16:45 |
O 11.8 |
Sol-gel derived ferroelectric nanoparticles investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy — •Florian Johann, Tobias Jungk, Susanne Lisinski, Akos Hoffman, Lorenz Ratke, and Elisabeth Soergel
17:00 |
O 11.9 |
Mid-Infrared Broadband s-SNOM — •Sergiu Amarie and Fritz Keilmann
17:15 |
O 11.10 |
Imaging short-range forces with a scanning tunnelling microscope — •Temirov Ruslan, Weiss Christian, Wagner Christian, Kleimann Christoph, and Tautz Stefan