15:00 |
O 14.1 |
Random 2D metal-organic string networks based on divergent coordination assembly — •Matthias Marschall, Joachim Reichert, Alexander Weber-Bargioni, Knud Seufert, Willi Auwärter, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Giorgio Zoppellaro, Mario Ruben, and Johannes V. Barth
15:15 |
O 14.2 |
On the Scalability of Supramolecular Networks - High Packing Density vs. Optimized Hydrogen Bonds in Tricarboxylic Acid Monolayers — •Jürgen F. Dienstmaier, Kingsuk Mahata, Wolfgang M. Heckl, Michael Schmittel, and Markus Lackinger
15:30 |
O 14.3 |
Simulation of short-range order in a metal-organic network — •Harry E. Hoster, Achim Breitruck, and R. Jürgen Behm
15:45 |
O 14.4 |
Thiolate based 2D Metal-Organic-Frameworks — •Georg Eder, Hermann Walch, Jürgen Dienstmaier, and Markus Lackinger
16:00 |
O 14.5 |
Metal/SAM/Metal junctions studied from first principles — •Jan Kučera and Axel Groß
16:15 |
O 14.6 |
Adsorption of long-chain alkanethiols on Au(111): a look from the substrate side — •Frederick Chesneau, Jianli Zhao, Cai Shen, Manfred Buck, and Michael Zharnikov
16:30 |
O 14.7 |
Impact of the backbone on the electronic structure of SAMs on gold — •LinJun Wang, Gerold M. Rangger, Lorenz Romanner, Tomas Bučko, ZhongYun Ma, QiKai Li, Zhigang Shuai, Egbert Zojer, and Georg Heimel
16:45 |
O 14.8 |
Self-assembled monolayers of molecules with dithiol anchor groups: a DFT study — •Katrin Tonigold and Axel Groß
17:00 |
O 14.9 |
STM study of fullerene molecules on alcanethiol based monolayers — •Axel Beimborn, Patrick Mehring, Daniel Weier, and Carsten Westphal
17:15 |
O 14.10 |
Building 2D crystals from fivefold-symmetric molecules — •Tobias Bauert, Leo Merz, Manfred Parschau, Jay S. Siegel, Georg Koller, and Karl-Heinz Ernst
17:30 |
O 14.11 |
2D-grids as precursors for 2D-crystals — •Thomas Waldmann, Christina Nenon, Robert Reichert, Harry E. Hoster, and R. Jürgen Behm