15:00 |
O 16.1 |
Initial growth of crystalline rubrene thin film growth on mica (001) — •Harald Zaglmayr, Lidong Sun, Günther Weidlinger, Shaima'a Abd Al-Baqi, Dmitrii Nabok, Peter Zeppenfeld, Helmut Sitter, and Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl
15:15 |
O 16.2 |
Photoisomerization of azobenzene on layer compound surfaces studied by photoelectron spectroscopy — •Eric Ludwig, Jaroslaw Iwicki, Kai Rossnagel, Felix Köhler, Rainer Herges, and Lutz Kipp
15:30 |
O 16.3 |
Light effective mass of the valence band hole of rubrene single crystal observed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy — •Satoshi Kera, Steffen Duhm, Shunsuke Hosoumi, Qian Xin, Nobuo Ueno, Shinichi Machida, Akihiro Funakoshi, Naoki Ogawa, Yasuo Nakayama, and Hisao Ishii
15:45 |
O 16.4 |
Self-assembled monolayers of perfluoroterphenyl-substituted alkanethiolates on coinage metal substrates — •Frederick Chesneau, Björn Schüpbach, Katarzyna Szelagowska-Kunstman, Nirmalya Ballav, Piotr Cyganik, Andreas Terfort, and Michael Zharnikov
16:00 |
O 16.5 |
Fast and non-invasive optical study of protein films on surfaces — •Franz-Josef Schmitt, Heinrich Südmeyer, Kai Reineke, Insa Kahlen, Joachim Börner, Max Schöngen, Patrick Hätti, Hans Joachim Eichler, and Hans-Joachim Cappius
16:15 |
O 16.6 |
Protein resistant ethylene glycol terminated self-assembled monolayers by vapour deposition in vacuum — •Laxman Kankate, Helge Großmann, Udo Werner, Robert Tampé, Andrey Turchanin, and Armin Gölzhäuser
16:30 |
O 16.7 |
One- and Two-dimensional Polyamide Films by Vapor Deposition Polymerization — •Christoph H. Schmitz, Julian Ikonomov, and Moritz Sokolowski
16:45 |
O 16.8 |
Investigation of Cellulose Model-Systems for Paper Fiber-Fiber Bonds with FTIR and AFM — •Eduard Gilli, Mario Djak, Oliver Miskovic, Franz Schmied, Christian Teichert, Eero Kontturi, and Robert Schennach
17:00 |
O 16.9 |
Growth of alpha-Sexithiophene films on Cu(110)-(2x1)O at elevated substrate temperatures — •Günther Weidlinger, Harald Zaglmayr, Lidong Sun, Daniel Roman Fritz, Thorsten Wagner, and Peter Zeppenfeld
17:15 |
O 16.10 |
Crystalline Inverted Membrane Growth by Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition — •Stephan Rauschenbach, R. Thomas Weitz, Ludger Harnau, Nikola Malinowski, Theresa Lutz, Nicha Thontasen, Zhitao Deng, and Klaus Kern