O 22: Methods: Scanning probe techniques III
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 10:30–12:45, H32
10:30 |
O 22.1 |
Scanning Probe Microscopy with a Hydrogen atom — •Jay Weymouth, Thorsten Wutscher, and Franz Giessibl
10:45 |
O 22.2 |
Imaging surfaces with scanning tunneling hydrogen microscopy — •Christian Weiss, Stefan Tautz, and Ruslan Temirov
11:00 |
O 22.3 |
An atomic force microscope scanner for high speed, large range and high resolution imaging — •Christoph Braunsmann and Tilman Schäffer
11:15 |
O 22.4 |
AFM with Light-Atom Tip — •Thomas Hofmann, Joachim Welker, and Franz J. Gießibl
11:30 |
O 22.5 |
Simulations of metastable states near the apex of a KBr tip — •Regina Hoffmann and Alexis Baratoff
11:45 |
O 22.6 |
Advances in Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping, and robust, user-friendly AFM tapping — •Johannes Kindt, Chanmin Su, Shuiqing Hu, and Bede Pittenger
12:00 |
O 22.7 |
Magnetic Force Microscopy with a qPlus Sensor — •Maximilian Schneiderbauer and Franz J. Giessibl
12:15 |
O 22.8 |
Observing a qPlus sensor oscillate — Joachim Welker, •Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz J. Giessibl
12:30 |
O 22.9 |
Dynamic Force Microscopy with Small Amplitudes at Ambient Conditions — •Elisabeth Köstner and Franz J. Gießibl