10:30 |
O 48.1 |
Probing the Momentum-Dependent Response of the Charge Density Wave Phase in TbTe3 by Ultrafast Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission — •P.S. Kirchmann, F.T. Schmitt, U. Bovensiepen, R.G. Moore, L. Rettig, M. Krenz, J.-H. Chu, N. Ru, L. Perfetti, M. Wolf, I.R. Fisher, and Z.-X. Shen
10:45 |
O 48.2 |
Fluence-dependent two-pulse correlation for electronically induced diffusion of O/Pt(111) — •Kristina Klass, Gerson Mette, Jens Güdde, Michael Dürr, and Ulrich Höfer
11:00 |
O 48.3 |
Ultrafast electron transfer across polar molecule-metal interfaces: strong coupling vs. molecular screening — •Julia Stähler, Michael Meyer, Uwe Bovensiepen, and Martin Wolf
11:15 |
O 48.4 |
Neutral hydrogen desorption from graphite induced by ultra short laser pulses — •Robert Frigge, Tim Hoger, Björn Siemer, Helmut Zacharias, Thomas Olsen, and Jakob Schiøtz
11:30 |
O 48.5 |
Momentum dependent electron and hole relaxation dynamics in EuFe2As2 — •L. Rettig, R. Cortes, S. Thirupathaiah, U. Bovensiepen, M. Wolf, H. A. Duerr, P. Gegenwart, T. Wolf, and J. Fink
11:45 |
O 48.6 |
Relaxation dynamics and bulk-to-surface-recombination of hot electrons on Si(001) studied by two-photon photoemission — •Christian Eickhoff and Martin Weinelt
12:00 |
O 48.7 |
Ultrafast electron dynamics at alkali-ice interfaces probed with two-photon photoemission — •Michael Meyer, Mathieu Bertin, Uwe Bovensiepen, and Martin Wolf
12:15 |
O 48.8 |
Two-dimensional Fano resonances on Si(100) — •Martin Teichmann, Christian Eickhoff, Jens Kopprasch, Cornelius Gahl, and Martin Weinelt
12:30 |
O 48.9 |
Electronic structure and charge carriers dynamics in 6T absorbed on Au(111). — •Erwan Varene, Isabel Martin, Martin Wolf, and Petra Tegeder