O 57: Surface dynamics II
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 15:00–17:30, H40
15:00 |
O 57.1 |
Time-Resolved XUV pump probe measurements on Surfaces using High Harmonic Radiation — •Thorben Haarlammert, Carsten Winter, Luca Bignardi, Petra Rudolf, and Helmut Zacharias
15:15 |
O 57.2 |
Dependence of thermal CO diffusion on Cu(111) on local coverage — •Christopher Zaum, Kastur Meyer-auf-der-Heide, and Karina Morgenstern
15:30 |
O 57.3 |
Desorption of ionic species from ice/graphite by femtosecond XUV free electron laser pulses — •Björn Siemer, Tim Hoger, Robert Frigge, Sebastian Roling, Rolf Mitzner, Rolf Treusch, Stefan Düsterer, and Helmut Zacharias
15:45 |
O 57.4 |
ZEITAUFGELÖSTE ELEKTRONENBEUGUNG AN DÜNNEN METALLFILMEN — •Manuel Ligges, Carla Streubühr, Thorsten Brazda, Ping Zhou und Dietrich von der Linde
16:00 |
O 57.5 |
Ultrafast melting of orbital and charge order in magnetite — •Niko Pontius, Torsten Kachel, Hermann A. Dürr, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Bill Schlotter, Martin Beye, Florian Sorgenfrei, Alexander Föhlisch, and Wilfried Wurth
16:15 |
O 57.6 |
Investigation of thin Cu films on Fe/Pd and their dynamics with Positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectroscopy — •Jakob Mayer, Klaus Schreckenbach, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
16:30 |
O 57.7 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Copper on Cu(111) — •Olaf Skibbe, Heiner Maslosz, Jan Pischel, Diana Vogel, and Annemarie Pucci
16:45 |
O 57.8 |
Vanadium Oxide on Rh(111): Formation of stripe patterns under reaction conditions — •Florian Lovis, Ronald Imbihl, Benjamin Borkenhagen, and Gerhard Lilienkamp
17:00 |
O 57.9 |
Mechanically induced grain boundary motion in Al-bicrystalls — •Tatiana Gorkaya, Dmitri A. Molodov, and Günter Gottstein
17:15 |
O 57.10 |
Stochastic field equation for pattern formation on ion-beam eroded surfaces — •Karsten Dreimann and Stefan Linz