O 6: Metal substrates: Adsorption of organic / bio molecules I
Montag, 22. März 2010, 11:15–13:00, H36
11:15 |
O 6.1 |
Phase boundaries in organic adlayers – a quantitative video-STM study — •Michael Roos, Harry E. Hoster, and R. Jürgen Behm
11:30 |
O 6.2 |
Adsorption of Bis(terpyridine) studied with DFT and Force Field Methods — •Daniela Künzel and Axel Groß
11:45 |
O 6.3 |
Alkali-Crown Ether Complexes at Metal Surfaces — •Nicha Thontasen, Giacomo Levita, Zhitao Deng, Nikola Malinowski, Stephan Rauschenbach, and Klaus Kern
12:00 |
O 6.4 |
STM/STS study of Spiro-DPO molecules on Au(111) — •Michael H. Waelsch, Tatjana Podlich, Melanie Klinke, Tobat P. I. Saragi, Josef Salbeck, and René Matzdorf
12:15 |
O 6.5 |
Charging and decharging single molecules — Dagmar Kreikemeyer-Lorenzo, Isabel Fernandez-Torrente, Anna Strozecka, •Katharina J. Franke, and Jose I. Pascual
12:30 |
O 6.6 |
An unusual approach to the description of bonding of chemisorbed conjugated molecules on noble metals — •Gerold M. Rangger, Lorenz Romaner, Oliver T. Hofmann, Michael G. Ramsey, and Egbert Zojer
12:45 |
O 6.7 |
A new charge-transfer complex in UHV-deposited tetramethoxypyrene and TCNQ — •Katerina Medjanik, Sergej Nepijko, Gerd Schönhense, Milan Rudloff, Vita Solovyeva, Michael Huth, Shahab Naghavi, Claudia Felser, Martin Baumgarten, and Klaus Müllen