17:45 |
O 60.1 |
Two-Photon Photoelectron Spectroscopy using a Display Analyzer — •Daniel Niesner, Tobias Bierlein, and Thomas Fauster
17:45 |
O 60.2 |
Tight-Binding Parameterizations Derived from Density-Functional Calculations — •Alexander Urban, Konstantin Weber, Martin Reese, Matous Mrovec, Christian Elsässer, and Bernd Meyer
17:45 |
O 60.3 |
Optical properties of LiF, NaF and KF based on self-interaction corrected pseudopotentials — •Christoph Sommer, Peter Krüger, and Johannes Pollmann
17:45 |
O 60.4 |
Excess electron at the ice surface: an approach via mixed quantum/molecular mechanics simulations — •Volker Mosert and Michel Bockstedte
17:45 |
O 60.5 |
Analysis of Neural Network Potential-Energy Surfaces for Atomistic Simulations — •Tobias Morawietz, Nongnuch Artrith, and Jörg Behler
17:45 |
O 60.6 |
Atomic-resolution AFM imaging of single molecules — •Fabian Mohn, Leo Gross, Nikolaj Moll, Peter Liljeroth, and Gerhard Meyer
17:45 |
O 60.7 |
Atomic charge state determination by AFM — •Leo Gross, Fabian Mohn, Peter Liljeroth, Jascha Repp, Franz J. Giessibl, and Gerhard Meyer
17:45 |
O 60.8 |
Magnetokraftmikroskopie in starken externen Magnetfeldern — •Lars Ungewitter, Ivo Knittel und Uwe Hartmann
17:45 |
O 60.9 |
The open source scanning probe control software package Gxsm — Percy Zahl, •Thorsten Wagner, Rolf Möller, and Andreas Klust
17:45 |
O 60.10 |
Forces in Molecular Electronics — •Mathias Neu, Andreas Pöllmann, and Jascha Repp
17:45 |
O 60.11 |
Atomic Force Microscopy meets Field Ion Microscopy — •Jens Falter, Daniel-Alexander Braun, Udo D. Schwarz, Hendrik Hölscher, André Schirmeisen, and Harald Fuchs
17:45 |
O 60.12 |
Quantitative Kelvin probe force microscopy imaging on locally doped Si — •Christine Baumgart, Anne-Dorothea Müller, Falk Müller, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt
17:45 |
O 60.13 |
Growth of Co-Salen on NiO(001): An atomic force microscopy study in ultrahigh vacuum — •Johannes Hattendorff, Alexander Schwarz, and Roland Wiesendanger
17:45 |
O 60.14 |
Observation of Spin Excitation by Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy of Fe atoms on a Semiconductor Surface — •Alexander A. Khajetoorians, Bruno Chilian, Sergei Schuwalow, Frank Lechermann, Jens Wiebe, and Roland Wiesendanger
17:45 |
O 60.15 |
Study on automated atom manipulation — •Boris Wolter, André Kubetzka, Roland Wiesendanger, Bernd Schütz, and Jianwei Zhang
17:45 |
O 60.16 |
Mechanical Behaviour of Graphenes on a Solid Surface — •Stefan Eilers and Jürgen P. Rabe
17:45 |
O 60.17 |
A Dynamic Force and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Line Defects and Step Edges in the Alumina Film on NiAl(110) — •Lars Heinke, Leonid Lichtenstein, Georg Hermann Simon, Thomas König, Markus Heyde, and Hans-Joachim Freund
17:45 |
O 60.18 |
SPM tip cleaning by electron-bombardment for investigation of samples prepared by applying nanospherelithography (NSL) — •David Hellmann, Uli F. Wischnath, and Achim Kittel
17:45 |
O 60.19 |
Investigating structured surfaces with a near-field scanning thermal microscope using a new scanning method — •Lars Hoelzel, Uli F. Wischnath, and Achim Kittel
17:45 |
O 60.20 |
Appearence of Adsorbates in Near-field Scanning Thermal Microscopy — •Ludwig Worbes, Uli F. Wischnath, and Achim Kittel
17:45 |
O 60.21 |
Infrared near-field nanospectroscopy of SiO2 structures embedded at Si[100] surfaces — Marc Tobias Wenzel, •Hans-Georg von Ribbeck, Anja Krysztofinski, Phillip Olk, Andreas Hille, Oliver Mieth, Peter Milde, Lukas M. Eng, Rainer Jacob, and Manfred Helm
17:45 |
O 60.22 |
Development of a modular multiple temperature UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscope — •Carsten Tröppner, Lutz Hammer, and Menko Alexander Schneider
17:45 |
O 60.23 |
Electronic characterisation of thin metallic films using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and 4-Point-Probe — •Oliver Ochedowski, Benedict Kleine Bußmann, Florian Meinerzhagen, and Marika Schleberger
17:45 |
O 60.24 |
Electronic characterisation of thin metallic films using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and 4-Point-Probe — •Oliver Ochedowski, Benedict Kleine Bußmann, Florian Meinerzhagen, and Marika Schleberger
17:45 |
O 60.25 |
Near-field infrared microscopy with a broadband light source — •Stefanie Bensmann, Christoph Janzen, Reinhard Noll, Jón Mattis Hoffmann, and Thomas Taubner
17:45 |
O 60.26 |
STM and STS studies of ferroelectric domain structures on BaTiO3(001) and BaTiO3(111) single crystals — •Maik Christl, Christian Hagendorf und Wolf Widdra
17:45 |
O 60.27 |
Chirped Pulse Two Photon Photoemission technique to study adsorbate dynamics — •Marianne Bader, Indranil Sarkar, Felix Steeb, Andreas Ruffing, and Martin Aeschlimann
17:45 |
O 60.28 |
Analysis of XPD-patterns by means of Genetic Algorithms — •Tobias Lühr, Daniel Weier, Frank Schönbohm, and Carsten Westphal
17:45 |
O 60.29 |
Analysis of optical systems, caustic formation and contrast depth in mirror electron microscopy — •Sergej Nepijko and Gerd Schönhense
17:45 |
O 60.30 |
Comparative EELS on carbon-based materials — •Thomas Haensel, Stefan Krischok, Juergen A. Schaefer, and Syed Imad-Uddin Ahmed
17:45 |
O 60.31 |
The High Resolution Diffraction Beamline P08 at PETRA III - First Experiments — •Carsten Deiter, Florian Bertram, Kathrin Pflaum, and Oliver H. Seeck
17:45 |
O 60.32 |
Molecular trapping and scattering at ionic liquid surfaces — •Andre Dorsch, Matthias Schöppke, and Reinhard Denecke
17:45 |
O 60.33 |
Diffusion of Xe on Multilayer Xe — •Anuschka Schmitt, Matthias Buschmann, Thomas M. Ernst, and Heinz J. Jänsch
17:45 |
O 60.34 |
Contrast formation in the SEM at lowest landing energy of the electrons — •Philipp Tonndorf, Steffen Schulze, and Michael Hietschold
17:45 |
O 60.35 |
Real-time simulation of Si(001) 2PPE spectra — •Henning Husser and Eckhard Pehlke