O 66: Nanotribology I
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 10:30–12:15, H36
10:30 |
O 66.1 |
Tuning mechanical properties of single silica capsules — •Doris Vollmer, Lijuan Zhang, Alfons van Blaaderen, Robert Graf, and Michael Kappl
10:45 |
O 66.2 |
Crystallographic Orientation Maps by Transverse Shear Microscopy (TSM) — •Quan Shen, Gregor Hlawacek, Markus Kratzer, Heinz-Georg Flesch, Thomas Potocar, Roland Resel, Adolf Winkler, and Christian Teichert
11:00 |
O 66.3 |
A miniature high vacuum microtribometer: from conception to calibration — Mikhail Kosinskiy, Yonghe Liu, Juergen A. Schaefer, and •Syed Imad-Uddin Ahmed
11:15 |
O 66.4 |
Wear-less floating contact imgaging of polymer surfaces — Armin Knoll, Hugo Rothuizen, Bernd Gotsmann, and •Urs Duerig
11:30 |
O 66.5 |
Large-scale MD simulations of the contact and sliding of nanoscale metallic asperities — •Joël Peguiron and Michael Moseler
11:45 |
O 66.6 |
Friction on Graphene/SiC(0001) — •Christian Held and Roland Bennewitz
12:00 |
O 66.7 |
Atomic stick-slip friction on a metal vs. a monolayer lubri- cant surface. — •Nitya Nand Gosvami, Philip Egberts, and Roland Bennewitz