10:30 |
O 68.1 |
Dimer Flipping at the MOVPE-prepared P-rich GaP(100) Surface — •Peter Kleinschmidt, Henning Döscher, Sebastian Brückner, Anja Dobrich, Oliver Supplie, Christian Höhn, and Thomas Hannappel
10:45 |
O 68.2 |
Real Time Measurements of Surface Diffusion in a Multi-Reconstruction System: Ag/Si(111) — •Dirk Wall, Ingo Lohmar, Kelly Ryan Roos, Joachim Krug, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, and Frank-Joachim Meyer zu Heringdorf
11:00 |
O 68.3 |
Microscopic picture of hydrogen on the (MO)VPE-preparation of Si(100) — •Anja Dobrich, Henning Döscher, Sebastian Brückner, Peter Kleinschmidt, Oliver Supplie, Christian Höhn, and Thomas Hannappel
11:15 |
O 68.4 |
Structural and electronic properties of MnGa monolayers on wurzite GaN(0001) surface — •Kangkang Wang, Abhijit Chinchore, Meng Shi, and Arthur Smith
11:30 |
O 68.5 |
Characterization of copper-metallized ZnO and brass surfaces with STM, SEM and XPS — •Vadim Schott, Zhinong Wang, David Silber, Franziska Traeger, Alexander Birkner, Martin Kroll, Ulrich Köhler, and Christof Wöll
11:45 |
O 68.6 |
Analysis of Anti-Phase-Domains for GaP Heteroepitaxie on Si(100) by LEEM — •Benjamin Borkenhagen, Henning Döscher, Gerhard Lilienkamp, Peter Kleinschmidt, Anja Dobrich, Sebstian Brückner, Ulrike Bloeck, Thomas Hannappel, and Winfried Daum
12:00 |
O 68.7 |
Symmetry and Shape of Reconstructed Two-dimensional Nanostructures — •Bert Voigtländer, Konstantin Romanyuk, and Vasily Cherepanov
12:15 |
O 68.8 |
Surface electronic structure and morphology of epitaxial CuInSe2 — •Andreas Hofmann
12:30 |
O 68.9 |
Evolution of the surface reconstructions during the growth of an InAs wetting layer on GaAs(001)-c(4×4) — •Holger Eisele, Jan Grabowski, Christopher Prohl, Britta Hoepfner, and Mario Daehne
12:45 |
O 68.10 |
In situ RAS Analysis of MOVPE prepared GaP/Si(100) heterointerfaces — •Oliver Supplie, Henning Döscher, Sebastian Brückner, Anja Dobrich, Peter Kleinschmidt, Christian Höhn, and Thomas Hannappel