15:00 |
O 71.1 |
Interaction of gold with clean and oxygen-covered Re(1010) surfaces — Sebastian Schwede, •Susanne Schubert, Christian Pauls, and Klaus Christmann
15:15 |
O 71.2 |
Study of the growth of bismuth thin film on graphite with STM and UPS at low temperature — Fei Song, Justin Wells, Magne Saxegaard, Anne Borg, and •Erik Wahlstrøm
15:30 |
O 71.3 |
Structural analysis of Ag growth on Ni(111) — •Axel Meyer, Jan Ingo Flege, Sanjaya Senanayake, Faisal Alamgir, and Jens Falta
15:45 |
O 71.4 |
Rare earth metals - Au surface compounds — •Martina Corso, Matthieu Verstraete, Frederik Schiller, Laura Fernández, Maider Ormaza, Thomas Greber, Angel Rubio, and J. Enrique Ortega
16:00 |
O 71.5 |
Small Pt adatom clusters on Pt(111): When fewer bonds are better than more — •Michael Schmid, Andreas Garhofer, Josef Redinger, Florian Wimmer, Philipp Scheiber, and Peter Varga
16:15 |
O 71.6 |
Submonolayer growth of Cu on Cu(110) — •Georg Ciobotea, Andreas Dobler, and Thomas Fauster
16:30 |
O 71.7 |
Pulsed-laser deposition of Cu on Cu(001) - the crucial role of particle mobility and flux — •Andreas Dobler and Thomas Fauster
16:45 |
O 71.8 |
Anomalous Size-Dependent Reconstruction Behavior of Cu-Islands on Ag(100) — •Michael Rieger, Christopher Zaum, Karina Morgenstern, and Karsten Reuter
17:00 |
O 71.9 |
Temporal evolution of Pb-islands on Ni(111) — •Tjeerd R.J. Bollmann, Raoul van Gastel, and Bene Poelsema
17:15 |
O 71.10 |
Adsorbate-induced segregation of C/Pt25Rh75(100): ab-initio predictions — •Tobias Kerscher, Wolfgang Landgraf, and Stefan Müller
17:30 |
O 71.11 |
Oblique incidence ion impact pattern formation on Cu(001) along the [100] and [110] azimuthal directions — •Frank Everts, Herbert Wormeester, and Bene Poelsema
17:45 |
O 71.12 |
Surface structures of thin silver films on the Re(1010) surface — •Viktor Scherf, Lyria Messahel, Christian Pauls, and Klaus Christmann