O 73: Solid/liquid interfaces II (focussed session)
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 15:00–17:45, H33
15:00 |
O 73.1 |
Theoretical studies on the electrocatalytic Oxygen reduction reaction on Pt — •Timo Jacob
15:30 |
O 73.2 |
Investigations on Pt based catalysts for PEM fuel cells: from model systems to high surface area catalysts — •Matthias Arenz
16:00 |
O 73.3 |
Computer Simulation of Electrolyte / Solid Interfaces — •Eckhard Spohr
16:30 |
O 73.4 |
Multilayer passivated AlGaN/GaN-sensors for stable pH-measurements — •Stefanie Linkohr, Volker Cimalla, Christoph Nebel, and Oliver Ambacher
16:45 |
O 73.5 |
Electrochemical experiments in sulphuric acid with electronic devices — •Andreas Barmscheid, Damian Bürstel, Eckart Hasselbrink, and Detlef Diesing
17:00 |
O 73.6 |
Investigations on Pt based catalysts for PEM fuel cells: The stability of Pt-Co alloys — •Katrin Hartl and Matthias Arenz
17:15 |
O 73.7 |
Electrokinetics and Charge Inversion as studied by Single Colloid Electrophoresis — Ilya Semenov, •Gunther Stober, Periklis Papadopoulos, and Friedrich Kremer
17:30 |
O 73.8 |
Step bunching instability of Au(11n) vicinal surfaces in electrolyte — •Mohammad Al-Shakran, Guillermo Beltramo, Harald Ibach, and Margret Giesen