15:00 |
O 74.1 |
UTAM based Surface Nano-Structuring for Functional Surfaces — •Stefan Ostendorp, Yong Lei, Christian Heckel, and Gerhard Wilde
15:15 |
O 74.2 |
Generation of Clean Iron Structures by Electron Beam Induced Deposition and Catalytic Decomposition of Iron Pentacarbonyl on Rh(110) — •Michael Schirmer, Thomas Lukasczyk, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
15:30 |
O 74.3 |
Local Surface Activation of SiOx by a Focused Electron Beam as a Means for Nanoscale Lithography — •Florian Vollnhals, Marie-Madeleine Walz, Michael Schirmer, Thomas Lukasczyk, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
15:45 |
O 74.4 |
Surface Nano-Patterning in Realizing Diverse Functional Surface Nanostructures with High Structural Regularity — •Yong Lei, Stefan Ostendorp, Nina Winkler, Peter Hess, Christian Heckel, and Gerhard Wilde
16:00 |
O 74.5 |
Magnetotransport in anisotropic Pb-films and monolayers — •Daniel Lükermann, Christoph Tegenkamp, and Herbert Pfnür
16:15 |
O 74.6 |
Studies of Growth of Epicuticular Wax (nonacosan-10-ol) on Model Surfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy (MAC mode) — •Sujit Kumar Dora, Adrian Niemietz, Kerstin Koch, Wilhelm Barthlott, and Klaus Wandelt
16:30 |
O 74.7 |
Spatially modulated differential conductance in nm narrow Cu channels between and on Co islands — •Safia Ouazi, Yasmine Nahas, Marco Corbetta, Hirofumi Oka, Dirk Sander, and Jürgen Kirschner
16:45 |
O 74.8 |
Contrast inversion of the h-BN nanomesh on Rh(111) investigated by nc-AFM and KPFM — •Markus Langer, Sascha Koch, Shigeki Kawai, Bartosz Such, Jorge Lobo-Checa, Thomas Brugger, Thomas Greber, Juerg Osterwalder, Ernst Meyer, and Thilo Glatzel
17:00 |
O 74.9 |
Transport properties of single atom and single molecule junctions — •Guillaume Schull
17:15 |
O 74.10 |
Excitonic luminescence of pentacene nanocrystals induced by STM — •Klaus Kuhnke, Alexander Kabakchiev, Theresa Lutz, and Klaus Kern
17:30 |
O 74.11 |
Theoretical investigation of the switching mechanism in a single-molecule memory unit — •Felix Hanke and Mats Persson
17:45 |
O 74.12 |
Nanocones and Nanowires Analysed with Scanning Auger Microscopy. — •Andrey Lyapin, Stefan Reichlmaier, Denis Paul, John Hammond, and Sakar Raman