O 75: Nanotribology II
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 15:00–17:00, H36
15:00 |
O 75.1 |
Atomic Friction on Electrode Surfaces — •Nikolay Podgaynyy and Helmut Baltruschat
15:15 |
O 75.2 |
Frictional changes upon modification of single crystal electrodes with anions — •Florian Hausen and Roland Bennewitz
15:30 |
O 75.3 |
Friction Induced Deformation of Microstructured Rubber Surfaces — •Katrin Brörmann and Roland Bennewitz
15:45 |
O 75.4 |
Friction Force Microscopy on a Layer Compound with Organic Surfaces — •Gregor Fessler, Iwan Zimmermann, Thilo Glatzel, Sascha Koch, Pascal Steiner, Enrico Gnecco, Tony Keene, Shi-Xia Liu, Silvio Decurtins, and Ernst Meyer
16:00 |
O 75.5 |
Frictional properties of a mesoscopic contact with engineered surface roughness — •Johannes Sondhauß, Harald Fuchs, and André Schirmeisen
16:15 |
O 75.6 |
Oxygen-induced degradation of carbynoid structures on carbon surfaces: a DFT study — •Gianpietro Moras, Lars Pastewka, Peter Gumbsch, and Michael Moseler
16:30 |
O 75.7 |
Scaling laws in superlubric sliding of metallic nanoparticles — •Dirk Dietzel, Tristan Mönninghoff, Michael Feldmann, Udo D. Schwarz, and André Schirmeisen
16:45 |
O 75.8 |
Ultra-thin films as wear resistive coatings — •Tassilo Kaule, Sascha Pihan, Sebastian G. J. Emmerling, Yi Zhang, Renate Förch, Jochen Gutmann, Hans-Jürgen Butt, Rüdiger Berger, David Pires, Armin Knoll, Bernd Gotsmann, and Urs T. Dürig