15:00 |
O 77.1 |
Formation of a laterally nanostructured cobalt oxide — •Matthias Gubo, Christina Ebensperger, Wolfgang Meyer, Lutz Hammer, and Klaus Heinz
15:15 |
O 77.2 |
Interface Oxides of Eu on Ni(100) — •Jürgen Klinkhammer, Daniel F. Förster, Carsten Busse, and Thomas Michely
15:30 |
O 77.3 |
Epitaxial growth of ultra-thin ceria films on Si(111) — •Björn Menkens, Jan Ingo Flege, Sebastian Gevers, Daniel Bruns, Joachim Wollschläger, and Jens Falta
15:45 |
O 77.4 |
MOS diodes with BaO, SrO and Ba0.7Sr0.3O thin films on Si(001) as a high-k dielectric — •Dirk Müller-Sajak, Alexandr Cosceev, Herbert Pfnür, and Karl R. Hofmann
16:00 |
O 77.5 |
Substrate-induced structural modulation of a CoO(111) bilayer on Ir(100) — •Lutz Hammer, Christina Ebensperger, Wolfgang Meyer, Matthias Gubo, and Klaus Heinz
16:15 |
O 77.6 |
Comparing the Structure of Line Defects and Step Edges in the Alumina Film on NiAl(110) -- A Dynamic Force and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study — •Lars Heinke, Leonid Lichtenstein, Georg Hermann Simon, Thomas König, Markus Heyde, and Hans-Joachim Freund
16:30 |
O 77.7 |
Synchrotron radiation spectroscopy studies of the initial interaction between cobalt and titanium dioxide — •Sebastian Müller and Dieter Schmeißer
16:45 |
O 77.8 |
From chemisorbed oxygen to ultrathin cobalt-oxides on Ir(100)-(1x1) — •Christina Ebensperger, Matthias Gubo, Wolfgang Meyer, Lutz Hammer, and Klaus Heinz
17:00 |
O 77.9 |
Mixed interface and charge neutrality in the oxide heterostructure DyScO3/SrTiO3 — •kourosh rahmanizadeh, gustav bihlmayer, and sbtefan blügel
17:15 |
O 77.10 |
The surface termination of Mn3O4(001) films on Ag(001) — Michael Huth, •Klaus Meinel, Roman Shantyr, Sebastian Polzin, Konrad Gillmeister, Henning Neddermeyer, and Wolf Widdra
17:30 |
O 77.11 |
Epitaxial Europiumoxide on Ni(100) with Single Crystal Quality — •Daniel F. Förster, Jürgen Klinkhammer, Carsten Busse, Zhiwei Hu, L. Hao Tjeng, and Thomas Michely
17:45 |
O 77.12 |
Title: Simulation of deposition and growth of Xe-crystals via the low-temperature atom beam deposition method — •Nicola Toto, Christian Schoen, and Martin Jansen