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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 83: Plasmonics and Nanooptics VII
O 83.5: Talk
Friday, March 26, 2010, 12:15–12:30, H32
Bragg Plasmonics — •Richard Taubert, Ralf Ameling, Lutz Langguth, Daniel Drégely, and Harald Giessen — University of Stuttgart, Germany
The investigation of plasmon-plasmon coupling has focused on near-field coupling until now. Only little work has been done on far-field interaction in plasmonic structures. We investigate a so-called 3D plasmonic crystal: four layers of nanowires are stacked in Bragg fashion, where the vertical distance matches half the resonance wavelength of the individual nanowire particle plasmon. The resonant far field coupling leads to the formation of a plasmonic band gap spanning almost one octave.
The structure was fabricated using layer-by-layer stacking. We investigate the dependence of the optical spectra on layer number and distance tuning. Scattering matrix calculations agree very well with our experimental findings.