SOE 13: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics I (with BP, DY)
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 10:15–12:45, H44
10:15 |
SOE 13.1 |
Stability of continuous vs. Boolean dynamics — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad and Konstantin Klemm
10:30 |
SOE 13.2 |
Reliable Boolean networks with threshold functions — •Manuel Ross, Tiago Peixoto, and Barbara Drossel
10:45 |
SOE 13.3 |
Contact networks and the spread of MRSA in hospitals — Lisa Brouwers, •Andrzej Jarynowski, Fredrik Liljeros, and Xin Lu
11:00 |
SOE 13.4 |
A novel threshold mechanism for epidemics on complex networks — •Vitaly Belik and Theo Geisel
11:15 |
SOE 13.5 |
Stochastic load-redistribution model for cascading failures in interconnected systems — •Jörg Lehmann and Jakob Bernasconi
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
SOE 13.6 |
Synchronization in laser networks: From motifs to complex topologies with multiple delays. — •Thomas Dahms and Eckehard Schöll
12:00 |
SOE 13.7 |
Dynamics of neural networks with delay — •Judith Lehnert, Thomas Dahms, Philipp Hövel, and Eckehard Schöll
12:15 |
SOE 13.8 |
Criticality in models of evolving neural networks — •Matthias Rybarsch and Stefan Bornholdt
12:30 |
SOE 13.9 |
Spreading Synchrony in Neural Networks with Non-Additive Interactions. — •Sven Jahnke, Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer, and Marc Timme