ST 12: High-LET Radiation Therapy 2
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 11:00–12:40, H41
11:00 |
ST 12.1 |
Three Dimensional Biological Dose Distribution of Antiprotons — •Sara Tegami, Rebecca Boll, Stefan Sellner, Carsten P. Welsch, and Michael H. Holzscheiter
11:20 |
ST 12.2 |
Real Time Imaging of Stopping Distributions in Biological Targets for Antiprotons — •Stefan Sellner, Rebecca Boll, Sara Tegami, Carsten P. Welsch, and Michael H. Holzscheiter
11:40 |
ST 12.3 |
Beam Monitor for Hadron Therapy using a Crystalline Pixel Detector — •Rebecca Boll, Stefan Sellner, Sara Tegami, Carsten P. Welsch, and Michael H. Holzscheiter
12:00 |
ST 12.4 |
Modellierung des Sauerstoffeffekts für die Bestrahlungsplanung in Hoch-LET-Strahlentherapie — •Tatiana Dorsch und Jan Wilkens
12:20 |
ST 12.5 |
Distribution of DNA lesions in amorphous track structure — •Thomas Friedrich, Thilo Elsässer, Marco Durante, and Michael Scholz