ST 7: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Frontiers and Applications (CPP and ST)
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 13:45–16:15, H48
13:45 |
ST 7.1 |
Probing the Assembly and Dynamics of Graphene-Inspired Molecular Wires by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy — •Michael Ryan Hansen, Robert Graf, Daniel Sebastiani, and Hans-Wolfgang Spiess
14:00 |
ST 7.2 |
NMR studies of benzene mobility in microporous metal-organic framework MOF-5 — •Stefan Hertel, Saeed Amirjalayer, Markus Wehring, Rochus Schmid, and Frank Stallmach
14:15 |
ST 7.3 |
Exploring the limits to spatially resolved NMR — Achim Gädke and •Nikolaus Nestle
14:30 |
ST 7.4 |
Polymers under mechanical stress- an NMR investigation — •Ute Böhme, Bo Xu, Johannes Leisen, Haskell W. Beckham, and Ulrich Scheler
14:45 |
ST 7.5 |
Segmental Order in Polymer Networks — •Jens-Uwe Sommer
15:00 |
ST 7.6 |
Ultrafast velocity-mapping in microfluidic setups — •Eva Paciok, Andrea Amar, Federico Casanova, and Bernhard Blümich
15:15 |
ST 7.7 |
Structural characterization of lyotropic lamellar phases by NMR spectroscopy — Bruno Medronho, Maria G. Miguel, Ulf Olsson, and •Claudia Schmidt
15:30 |
ST 7.8 |
Complete NMR spectral assignment in gibbsite by first-principle calculations — •Anastasia Vyalikh and Ulrich Scheler
15:45 |
ST 7.9 |
Heparin-polynitroxide derivatives: biocompatible polarizing agents for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) — •Björn C. Dollmann, Andrei L. Kleschyov, Vasily Sen, Valery Golubev, Laura Schreiber, Kerstin Münnemann, and Dariush Hinderberger
16:00 |
ST 7.10 |
Structure of Phage SPP1 Head-to-Tail Connector Reveals Gating Mechanism for DNA Ejection: an EM and NMR study — Matthieu Gallopin, Sophie Lhuillier, Bernard Gilquin, Sandrine Brasilès, Elena Orlova, Joël Couprie, Paulo Tavares, and •Sophie Zinn-Justin