SYMR 6: Polymer Dynamics
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 09:30–12:45, H48
09:30 |
SYMR 6.1 |
On the dynamics of polymers in nanocomposites and under confinement — •Dieter Richter
10:00 |
SYMR 6.2 |
Topical Talk:
From simple liquids to polymers: Dynamics revealed by field cycling 1H NMR — Axel Herrmann, Azza Abou Elfadl, Roman Meier, Danuta Kruk, Vladimir N. Novikov, and •Ernst A. Rössler
10:30 |
SYMR 6.3 |
Bond-correlation functions determined in MD simulations of entangled polymer melts — •Hendrik Meyer
10:45 |
15 min. break
11:00 |
SYMR 6.4 |
The role of the intermolecular magnetic dipole-dipole interaction in low frequency proton NMR in polymer melts. — •Nail Fatkullin, Anvar Gubaidullin, Siegfried Stapf, and Rainer Kimmich
11:15 |
SYMR 6.5 |
Multiple quantum NMR observation of reptation and constraint release in polymer melts — •Fabian Vaca Chavez and Kay Saalwaechter
11:30 |
SYMR 6.6 |
Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of polybutadiene at graphite: slowing down of orientation relaxations in confinement vs. bulk system — •Leonid Yelash, Peter Virnau, Wolfgang Paul, and Kurt Binder
11:45 |
SYMR 6.7 |
Understanding the Origin of Dynamical Heterogeneities in Polymer Blends — •Diddo Diddens, Andreas Heuer, and Martin Brodeck
12:00 |
SYMR 6.8 |
Investigation of structural heterogeneities of porous diblock copolymer membranes by single particle tracking — •Chandrashekara R. Haramagatti, Dominique Ernst, Felix Schacher, Mathias Ulbricht, Axel H. E. Müller, and Jürgen Köhler
12:15 |
SYMR 6.9 |
Dynamics in thin polymer films probed by single molecule fluorescence microscopy at high temperatures — •Bente Flier, Moritz Baier, Johannes Huber, Dominik Wöll, Stefan Mecking, and Andreas Zumbusch
12:30 |
SYMR 6.10 |
Dynamics of semiflexible treelike polymeric networks — •Maxim Dolgushev and Alexander Blumen