14:00 |
SYMR 7.1 |
Topical Talk:
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) as a Versatile Tool for Nanoscience — •Mato Knez, Seung-Mo Lee, Adriana Szeghalmi, Yong Qin, Eckhard Pippel, Christian Dresbach, and Gerd Hause
14:30 |
SYMR 7.2 |
Interplay between nanostructure and mechanical properties in natural and artificial polymer fibers — •Periklis Papadopoulos, Roxana Ene, and Friedrich Kremer
14:45 |
SYMR 7.3 |
Interplay between morphology and mechanical properties of silk investigated by X-ray microdiffraction on single fibers combined with in situ tensile tests — Florian Kunze, Igor Krasnov, •Christina Krywka, Martin Müller, Malte Ogurreck, Manfred Burghammer, and Christian Riekel
15:00 |
SYMR 7.4 |
SANS on Silkworm Silk under Tensile Stress — •Malte Blankenburg, Martin Müller, and Melissa Sharp
15:15 |
SYMR 7.5 |
Rheological properties of wheat dough and corresponding model systems — •Birgitta Schiedt and Thomas Vilgis
15:30 |
15 min. break
15:45 |
SYMR 7.6 |
Influence of humidity on casein films - an in situ investigation with a combination of µGISAXS and imaging ellipsometry — •Volker Körstgens, Robert Meier, Johannes Wiedersich, Jan Perlich, Stephan Volkher Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
16:00 |
SYMR 7.7 |
Biofunctionalization of Diamond Microelectrodes — •Andreas Adam Reitinger, Naima Aurelia Hutter, Simon Quartus Lud, Gerhard Richter, Rainer Jordan, Martin Stutzmann, and Jose Antonio Garrido
16:15 |
SYMR 7.8 |
Real-time in-situ study of oligo(ethylene glycol) reordering dynamics and immersion effects using PMIRRAS — •Stefan Zorn, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
16:30 |
SYMR 7.9 |
Protein-resistant polymer coatings based on surface-adsorbed poly(aminoethyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers — •Leonid Ionov, Alla Synytska, Elisabeth Kaul, Stefan Diez, and Manfred Stamm
16:45 |
SYMR 7.10 |
Protein folding monitored at six different magnetic field strengths — •Michael Kovermann and Jochen Balbach
17:00 |
SYMR 7.11 |
Topical Talk:
Recognition dynamics and kinetics for ubiquitin — •Christian Griesinger