14:00 |
SYMR 8.1 |
New Approach to the Old Problem: Cooperativity in Dynamics of Glass Forming Systems — •Alexei Sokolov
14:30 |
SYMR 8.2 |
THz Signatures of the Glass Transitions in Polymers — •Marco Reuter, Steffen Wietzke, Christian Jansen, Tilmann Jung, Sangam Chatterjee, Wiebke Dempwolf, Henning Menzel, and Koch Martin
14:45 |
SYMR 8.3 |
The elusive nature of the Debye process in monohydroxy alcohols: A new approach with 2H-NMR techniques — •Sebastian Schildmann, Catalin Gainaru, and Roland Böhmer
15:00 |
SYMR 8.4 |
Relaxation Kinetics of Nanoscale Indents in a Polymer Glass — •Armin Knoll, Dorothea Wiesmann, Bernd Gotsmann, and Urs Duerig
15:15 |
SYMR 8.5 |
Studying the dynamics of water molecules on a complex lattice: KOH doped tetrahydrofuran clathrate hydrate — •Helge Nelson, Catalin Gainaru, Andre Nowaczyk, Sebastian Schildmann, Burkhard Geil, and Roland Böhmer
15:30 |
15 min. break
15:45 |
SYMR 8.6 |
Slow domains percolation in polymer melts and blends close to the glass transition: a unifying concept regarding bulk dynamics, dynamics in the vicinity of interfaces, and the physical properties of nanocomposites — •Didier R. Long
16:15 |
SYMR 8.7 |
Glass Transition of Molecules Sorbed in Zeolites — Özlen F. Erdem, •Dieter Michel, Pavel Sedykh, and Jürgen Haase
16:30 |
SYMR 8.8 |
Molecular glass formers in hard and soft confinement probed by 31P and 2H NMR — •Daniel Bock, Sabine Gradmann, and Ernst Rössler
16:45 |
SYMR 8.9 |
Quantitative Lineshape Analysis for 1D- and 2D-Spectra of Amorphous Materials — •Jörn Schmedt auf der Günne, Sabarinathan Venkatachalam, Johannes Weber, and Yamini Avadhut
17:00 |
SYMR 8.10 |
Low-Frequency Excess Contribution in Simple Liquids Revealed by Fast Field Cycling NMR — •Roman Meier, Axel Herrmann, Robert Kahlau, Danuta Kruk, and Ernst Rössler
17:15 |
SYMR 8.11 |
Glass transition of colloidal particles with long-ranged interactions in two dimensions — •David Hajnal, Martin Oettel, and Rolf Schilling