SYNT 1: Symposium Nanotribology
Freitag, 26. März 2010, 10:15–13:15, H1
10:15 |
SYNT 1.1 |
Atomic friction under ultrahigh vacuum conditions — •Ernst Meyer, Enrico Gnecco, Pascal Steiner, Gregor Fessler, Sascha Koch, Thilo Glatzel, Alexis Baratoff, Mircin Kisiel, Urs Gysin, Akshata Rao, Shigeki Kawai, and Sabine Maier
10:45 |
SYNT 1.2 |
Layering and Squeeze-out Damping in Confined Liquid Films — •Frieder Mugele
11:15 |
SYNT 1.3 |
Wear on the nanoscale: mechanisms and materials — •Bernd Gotsmann, Mark A. Lantz, Harish Bhskaran, Abu Sebastian, Ute Drechsler, Michel Despont, Yun Chen, Kumar Sridharan, Papot Jaroenapibal, and Robert Carpick
11:45 |
SYNT 1.4 |
Friction at the Nanoscale: Insights from Atomistic Simulations — •Izabela Szlufarska, Yifei Mo, Yun Liu, and Maneesh Mishra
12:15 |
SYNT 1.5 |
The friction of wrinkles — •Martin H. Müser and Hamid Mohammadi
12:45 |
SYNT 1.6 |
Influence of humidity on nano- and micromechanical contact adhesion — •Hans-Jürgen Butt