14:00 |
TT 9.1 |
Calorimetry of high-Tc superconductors at different doping levels obtained with ultrafast spectroscopy — •Martin Scheuch, Luca Perfetti, Tobias Kampfrath, Christian Frischkorn, and Martin Wolf
14:00 |
TT 9.2 |
Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) studies on Bi2201 and Bi2223 high temperature superconductors — •Jia Wei, Martin Aeschlimann, and Donglai Feng
14:00 |
TT 9.3 |
Double Photoemission from LSCO and BiSCO — •Deborah Schneider, Robert Wallauer, Stefan Voss, Tobias Bauer, Birte Ulrich, Markus Waitz, Dawiet Haile, Till Jahnke, Götz Berner, Amit Kanigel, Markus Schöffler, Horst Schmidt-Böcking, and Reinhard Dörner
14:00 |
TT 9.4 |
Abnormal Temperature Dependence of the Itinerant Hole Density of Bi(Pb)-2201 by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) — •Aliakbar Ghafari, Ahmad Kamal Ariffin, Beate Müller, Rüdiger Mitdank, Helmut Dwelk, Alica Krapf, Christoph Janowitz, and Recardo Manzke
14:00 |
TT 9.5 |
Static stripe ordering in underdoped Bi2201 and Bi(Pb)2201 single crystals — •Valentina Scherer, Christoph Janowitz, Beate Müller, Lenart Dudy, Alica Krapf, Helmut Dwelk, and Recardo Manzke
14:00 |
TT 9.6 |
Nanostripe structures in as-grown light-rare-earth-based high-Tc superconductors — •Michael R Koblischka, Anjela Koblischka-Veneva, Miryala Muralidhar, Thomas Wolf, Nadendla Hari BAbu, and Uwe Hartmann
14:00 |
TT 9.7 |
Relaxation behaviour of levitation forces of various thin high-Tc superconductor samples — •Michael R Koblischka, Michael Becker, Jerome Meiser, and Uwe Hartmann
14:00 |
TT 9.8 |
Charge order in La2−xBaxCuO4 studied by resonant soft x-ray diffraction — •Eugen Weschke, Victor Soltwisch, Enrico Schierle, Stuart P. Wilkins, Jochen Geck, John P. Hill, John M. Tranquada, and Jörg Fink
14:00 |
TT 9.9 |
Out-of-plane transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 superlattices — •Ayman El Tahan, Fabrizio Porrati, Michael Huth, Hermann Adrian, and Gerhard Jakob
14:00 |
TT 9.10 |
Modification of high-Tc superconducting thin films by light-ion irradiation — •Marius-Aurel Bodea, Johannes D. Pedarnig, Bernd Steiger, Wilhelm Markowitsch, and Wolfgang Lang
14:00 |
TT 9.11 |
Suppression of the critical current at grain boundaries of high-temperature superconductors — •Siegfried Graser, Thilo Kopp, Jochen Mannhart, Raphael Gutser, Peter Hirschfeld, and Brian M. Andersen
14:00 |
TT 9.12 |
Consistent description of magnetic excitations and phase diagram of high-Tc cuprates within a strong-coupling approach — Sascha Brehm, •Enrico Arrigoni, Markus Aichhorn, and Werner Hanke
14:00 |
TT 9.13 |
Fabrication of MgB2 thin films by co-sputtering — •Savio Fabretti, Patrick Thomas, Günter Reiss, and Andy Thomas
14:00 |
TT 9.14 |
Mechanically alloyed MgB2: Effect of the Preparation on the Properties of PIT Wires and Tapes — •Marko Herrmann, Wolfgang Häßler, Christian Rodig, Margitta Schubert, Ania Kario, Konstantin Nenkov, Bernhard Holzapfel, Ludwig Schultz, Ludwig Schmolinga, André Aubele, Bernd Sailer, and Klaus Schlenga
14:00 |
TT 9.15 |
Texture Development of Single Phase (R=Y,Ho,Lu) Rare Earth Nickel Borocarbide Thin Films onto MgO Substrates of Different Orientation and Mixed Phase (HoxLu1−xNi2B2C) Thin Films on MgO(110) — •Tim Niemeier, Karolin Tscharntke, Ruben Hühne, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernhard Holzapfel
14:00 |
TT 9.16 |
Calorimetric investigations of HoNi2B2C — •R. Beyer, T. Herrmannsdörfer, O. Ignatchik, D. Souptel, G. Behr, and J. Wosnitza
14:00 |
TT 9.17 |
Superconductivity in Na1−xCoO2·yH2O thin films — •Sandra Hildebrandt, Philipp Komissinkiy, Ingo Fritsch, Hanns-Ulrich Habermeier, Peter Lemmens, and Lambert Alff
14:00 |
TT 9.18 |
Thin Film Deposition of the Pnictide Superconductors LaO1−xNiBi and LaO1−xCuBi using Reactive Molecular Beam Epitaxy — •Alexander Buckow, Jose Kurian, and Lambert Alff
14:00 |
TT 9.19 |
Preparation and investigation of tunnel junctions based on ironpnictide superconductors — •Stefan Schmidt, Sebastian Döring, Veit Große, Frank Schmidl, Paul Seidel, Martin Kidszun, Silvia Haindl, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ingolf Mönch
14:00 |
TT 9.20 |
Investigation on ironarsenide superconductors for their application in Josephson junctions — •Sebastian Döring, Stefan Schmidt, Veit Große, Frank Schmidl, Paul Seidel, Martin Kidszun, Silvia Haindl, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ingolf Mönch
14:00 |
TT 9.21 |
Nernst Effect in LaFeAsO1−xFx — •Agnieszka Kondrat, Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero, Norman Leps, Martin Kosmala, Olaf Schumann, Jochen Werner, Guenter Behr, Markus Braden, Ruediger Klingeler, Christian Hess, and Bernd Buechner
14:00 |
TT 9.22 |
Universal normal state susceptibility in iron pnictides — •Rüdiger Klingeler, Norman Leps, Christian Hess, Ulrike Stockert, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Franziska Hammerath, Guillaume Lang, Mahmoud Abdel-Hafez, Luminita Harnagea, Surjeet Singh, Sabine Wurmehl, Günter Behr, Vladislav Kataev, Igor Morozov, and Bernd Büchner
14:00 |
TT 9.23 |
Magnetic properties of CeFeAs1−xPxO iron pnictides studied by muon spin relaxation — •Johannes Spehling, Hans-Henning Klauss, Hemke Maeter, Til Dellmann, Hubertus Luetkens, Alex Amato, Anton Jesche, Cornelius Krellner, and Christoph Geibel
14:00 |
TT 9.24 |
Electrodynamics of electron doped iron-pnictide superconductors Ba(Fe1−xMx)2As2 — •Dan Wu, Neven Barisic, Natalia Drichko, Boris Gorshunov, Philipp Kallina, Martin Dressel, Linjun Li, Xiao Lin, Guanghan Cao, and Zhu-an Xu
14:00 |
TT 9.25 |
Investiagtion of AFe2As2 – compounds by means of x-ray spectroscopy — •Anna Buling, Ernst Kurmaev, J. A. McLeod, Alexander Moewes, and Manfred Neumann
14:00 |
TT 9.26 |
Phase diagram of Ca(Fe1−xCox)2As2 single crystals — •Mahmoud Abdel-Hafez, Luminita Harnagea, Surjeet Singh, Norman Leps, Liran Wang, Gerd Friemel, Ulrike Stockert, Sabine Wurmehl, Günter Behr, Christian Hess, Rüdiger Klingeler, and Bernd Büchner
14:00 |
TT 9.27 |
Local visualization of the disordered vortex lattice in overdoped BaFe2−xCoxAs2 superconductor — •Henry Stopfel, Tetyana Shapoval, Dmytro S. Inosov, Volker Neu, Ulrike Wolff, Silvia Haindl, Konstantin Nenkov, Bernhard Holzapfel, Ji Tae Park, Dunlu L. Sun, Chengtian T. Lin, Vladimir Hinkov, and Ludwig Schultz
14:00 |
TT 9.28 |
Transport studies on 122 Iron Arsenide superconductors — •Gerd Friemel, Saicharan Aswartham, Luminita Harnagea, Surjeet Singh, Norman Leps, Mahmoud Abdel-Hafez, Ulrike Stockert, Günter Behr, Christian Heß, Rüdiger Klingeler, and Bernd Büchner
14:00 |
TT 9.29 |
Superconductivity and magnetism in Eu1−xKxFe2(As1−yPy)2 — •Jannis Maiwald, Hirale S. Jeevan, and Philipp Gegenwart
14:00 |
TT 9.30 |
Possible Mechanism of Small Magnetic Moment in Iron Pnictides — Hunpyo Lee, •Yu-Zhong Zhang, Harald Jeschke, and Roser Valenti
14:00 |
TT 9.31 |
Electronic dispersion anomalies in Fe-pnictide superconductors — •Andreas Heimes, Roland Grein, Matthias Eschrig, and Gerd Schön
14:00 |
TT 9.32 |
Gauge modes in non-centrosymmetric superconductors — •Ludwig Klam, Dietrich Einzel, and Dirk Manske
14:00 |
TT 9.33 |
Transition to a single-sheet Fermi surface in bulk nickelates and in LaNiO3/LaAlO3 Heterostructures — Philipp Hansmann, •Alessandro Toschi, Xiaoping Yang, Giniyat Khaliullin, Ryotaro Arita, Ole K. Andersen, and Karsten Held
14:00 |
TT 9.34 |
De Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) study of the isostructural compounds YbCoIn5 and LuCoIn5 — •A. Polyakov, O. Ignatchik, M. Bartkowiak, A. Bianchi, B. Prevost, G. Seyfarth, Z. Fisk, D. Hurt, R.G. Goodrich, E.S. Choi, and J. Wosnitza
14:00 |
TT 9.35 |
Low-temperature thermal expansion of URhGe — •Sebastian Zaum, Frédéric Hardy, Kai Grube, Roland Schäfer, Christoph Meingast, Hilbert v. Löhneysen, Dai Aoki, and Jacques Flouquet
14:00 |
TT 9.36 |
Superconducting Phase Diagram of Rh17S15 — •M. Uhlarz, O. Ignatchik, J. Wosnitza, R. Daou, M. Doerr, A. Haase, H.R. Naren, A. Thamizhavel, and S. Ramakrishnan
14:00 |
TT 9.37 |
Surface induced superconductivity of Bi nanowires? — T. Kaupp, T.W. Cornelius, R. Neumann, •T. Peichl, and G. Weiss
14:00 |
TT 9.38 |
Charge Transport through One-dimensional Arrays of Small Capacitance Josephson Junctions — •Jochen Zimmer, Hannes Rotzinger, and Alexey V. Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 9.39 |
Numerical analysis of small charge solitons in 1D arrays of Josephson junctions — •Jens Homfeld, Alexander Shnirman, and Ivan Protopopov
14:00 |
TT 9.40 |
Simulation of the I-V characteristics of short arrays of small Josephson junctions — •Felix Maibaum and Alexander Zorin
14:00 |
TT 9.41 |
Critical disorder effects in Josephson-coupled quasi-one-dimensional superconductors — •Enver Nakhmedov and Reinhold Oppermann
14:00 |
TT 9.42 |
Surface superconductivity controlled by electric field — •Klaus Morawetz, Pavel Lipavský, and Jan Kolaček
14:00 |
TT 9.43 |
Measurement of Dielectric Losses in Amorphous Thin Films at GHz Frequencies Using Superconducting Resonators — •Sebastian Skacel, Christoph Kaiser, Stefan Wünsch, Michael Siegel, Ralf Dolata, Brigitte Mackrodt, and Alexander Zorin
14:00 |
TT 9.44 |
Dc SQUIDs with sub-micron-sized Nb/HfTi/Nb Josephson junctions for operation in high magnetic fields — •Joachim Nagel, Oliver Kieler, Konstantin Konovalenko, Johannes Kohlmann, Alexander Zorin, Reinhold Kleiner, and Dieter Koelle
14:00 |
TT 9.45 |
Experimental Test for “Münchhausen Effect” in an Asymmetric dc-SQUID — •Susanne Butz, Kirill G. Fedorov, Alexey K. Feofanov, and Alexey V. Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 9.46 |
Microwave Fluxon Readout for Superconducting Qubits — •Kirill G. Fedorov and Alexey V. Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 9.47 |
Experiments with phase qubits and two-level-fluctuators — •Grigorij J. Grabovskij, Pavel Bushev, Juergen Lisenfeld, Alexander Lukashenko, and Alexey V. Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 9.48 |
The influence of magnetic stray field on the critical current in NbN/SmCo5-bilayers — •Jan Engelmann, Silvia Haindl, Ingolf Moench, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernhard Holzapfel
14:00 |
TT 9.49 |
Inverse Proximity Effect in FSF Heterostructures — Christian Wagner, Roland Grein, Matthias Eschrig, and •Gerd Schön
14:00 |
TT 9.50 |
Planar S-(S/F)-S Josephson junctions induced by inverse proximity effect — •Andreas Pfeffer, Ondrej Vavra, Wolfgang Pfaff, Marco Aprili, and Christoph Strunk
14:00 |
TT 9.51 |
Investigation of nanoscale superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids using very low temperature STS — •Michael Wolz and Elke Scheer
14:00 |
TT 9.52 |
Ferromagnet-superconductor hybrids with perpendicular magnetization: current-perpendicular-to-plane measurements — •Richard Montbrun, Christoph Sürgers, and Hilbert v. Löhneysen
14:00 |
TT 9.53 |
Supercurrents through carbon nanotubes with Nb contacts — •Thomas Geiger
14:00 |
TT 9.54 |
Spatially Resolved Photoresponse of NbN Nanowires — •Philipp Jung, Alexander Lukashenko, Alexander P. Zhuravel, Stefan Wuensch, Matthias Hofherr, Konstantin Ilin, Michael Siegel, and Alexey V. Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 9.55 |
Progress in the development of large-scale MMC detector arrays — •Sebastian Kempf, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, Thomas Wolf, and Christian Enss
14:00 |
TT 9.56 |
Micro-fabrication of metallic magnetic calorimeters — •S. Schäfer, S. Kempf, A. Pabinger, C. Pies, J-P. Porst, F. v. Seggern, T. Wolf, L. Gastaldo, A. Fleischmann, and C. Enss
14:00 |
TT 9.57 |
Metallic magnetic calorimeters for high-precission QED tests at GSI/FAIR — •Christian Pies, Andreas Pabinger, Sebastian Kempf, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, and Christian Enss
14:00 |
TT 9.58 |
Low temperature detectors for direct neutrino mass measurements — •Jan-Patrick Porst, Falk v. Seggern, Andrea Kirsch, Loredana Gastaldo, Andreas Fleischmann, and Christian Enss
14:00 |
TT 9.59 |
Investigation of superconductors as particle absorbers of metallic magnetic calorimeters — •Jan-Patrick Porst, Andrea Kirsch, Philipp Ranitzsch, Richard Weldle, Loredana Gastaldo, Andreas Fleischmann, and Christian Enss
14:00 |
TT 9.60 |
Inductance of thin metal strips in broadband Corbino microwave spectroscopy — •Katrin Steinberg, Marc Scheffler, and Martin Dressel