Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 14: Posters: Neurobiophysics, Theoretical Neuroscience, Sensory Transduction
Montag, 14. März 2011, 17:15–20:00, P3
17:15 |
BP 14.1 |
(contribution withdrawn) Optical properties of cells in the vertebrate retina — •Silke Agte, Sabrina Matthias, Stephan Junek, Elke Ulbricht, Ines Erdmann, Detlef Schild, Josef Käs, and Andreas Reichenbach
17:15 |
BP 14.2 |
Noise reduction in systems of coupled hair bundles — •Kai Dierkes, Benjamin Lindner, and Frank Jülicher
17:15 |
BP 14.3 |
Analyzing Multi-electrode Array Measurements of Neurons — •Stephan Kramer, Kai Bröking, and Annette Witt