Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 3: Interfaces and Thin Films I
Montag, 14. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, ZEU 160
10:30 |
CPP 3.1 |
Depinning of 2D Droplets in a Free Energy Model — •Daniel Herde, Stephan Herminghaus, and Martin Brinkmann
10:45 |
CPP 3.2 |
Order and phase behavior of cylinder forming diblock copolymers and nano-particles mixture in confinement : A Molecular Dynamics study — •Lenin Singh Shagolsem and Jens-Uwe Sommer
11:00 |
CPP 3.3 |
Mechanical Properties of Random Block Copolymer Melts in the Bulk and at Selective Substrates — •Birger Steinmüller and Marcus Müller
11:15 |
CPP 3.4 |
Approach to polymer brushes of spherical monomers — •Dirk Romeis, Holger Merlitz, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
11:30 |
CPP 3.5 |
Ferrocene-Pyridine Block Copolymers at the Air/Water Interface and in Solution — •Martin Müller, Markus Gallei, Roland Klein, Bernd Stühn, and Matthias Rehahn
11:45 |
CPP 3.6 |
Polyoxazoline Brushes: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications — •Mukesh Agrawal, Juan Carlos Rueda, Petra Uhlmann, Martin Müller, Frank Simon, Carla Chung, and Manfred Stamm
12:00 |
CPP 3.7 |
Reversible structuring of azobenzene polymer films by surface plasmons — Tobias König and •Svetlana Santer
12:15 |
CPP 3.8 |
Biomimetic crystalization of iron oxides at liquid interfaces studied by x-ray scattering experiments — •Florian Wieland, Patrick Degen, Steffen Bieder, Michael Paulus, Martin Schroer, Christoph Sahle, Johannes Möller, Heinz Rehage, and Metin Tolan
12:30 |
CPP 3.9 |
Surface templated orientation of α-helical poly(L-lysine)/polyanion complexes on unidirectionally texturised substrates — •Martin Müller, Wuye Ouyang, Thomas Keller, and Klaus Jandt
12:45 |
CPP 3.10 |
Thermal tuning of micro-structured conducting polymer thin films — •Robert Meier, Hsin-Yin Chiang, Matthias A. Ruderer, Shuai Guo, Johannes Wiedersich, Volker Körstgens, Jan Perlich, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum