17:00 |
CPP 35.1 |
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of cytoplasmic streaming — •Katrin Wolff, Davide Marenduzzo, and Mike Cates
17:00 |
CPP 35.2 |
Application of a lattice Boltzmann model for amphiphilic fluid mixtures — Sebastian Schmieschek and •Jens Harting
17:00 |
CPP 35.3 |
Molecular Orientational Order Phenomena in Boundary Layers observed in Nanopore Flows — •Simon Gruener, Dominik Gerstner, Yannick D. Kervran, and Patrick Huber
17:00 |
CPP 35.4 |
Forced Imbibitions Experiments in 2D Porous Media. — •Michael Jung, Stefan Herminghaus, and Ralf Seemann
17:00 |
CPP 35.5 |
Characterising residual oil saturation using X-ray micro Tomography — •Hagen Scholl, Kamaljit Singh, Marco Di Michiel, Mario Scheel, and Ralf Seemann
17:00 |
CPP 35.6 |
Effects of concentration-dependent wettability on the statics and dynamics of droplets of mixtures and suspensions — •Desislava V Todorova and Uwe Thiele
17:00 |
CPP 35.7 |
Dynamic Wetting of Polyisoprene Melts with Different End Groups — •Elmar Bonaccurso, Chuanjun Liu, Mordechai Sokuler, Günter Auernhammer, and Hans-Jürgen Butt
17:00 |
CPP 35.8 |
Liquid Morphologies in granulates with various wettability — •Marc Schaber, Somnath Karmakar, Mario Scheel, Martin Brinkmann, Marco Di Michiel, and Ralf Seemann
17:00 |
CPP 35.9 |
Wetting of grooved elastic substrates — •Carsten Herrmann, Dominik Michler, Martin Brinkmann, and Ralf Seemann
17:00 |
CPP 35.10 |
Static Wetting Morphologies in Topographically Structured Substrates — •Stefan Bommer, Dominik Michler, Martin Brinkmann, and Ralf Seemann
17:00 |
CPP 35.11 |
Wetting behavior of Si surfaces decorated with well-defined nanopillars — •Stefan Wiedemann, Alfred Plettl, Paul Ziemann, and Kay Egloff
17:00 |
CPP 35.12 |
Microparticle Separation in Droplet Based Microfluidics — •Michael Hein, Jean-Baptiste Fleury, and Ralf Seemann
17:00 |
CPP 35.13 |
Droplet-based microfluidic techniques for the investigation of nucleation processses — •Birte Riechers, Frank Wittbracht, Alexander Weddemann, Thomas Koop, and Andreas Hütten
17:00 |
CPP 35.14 |
Experimentierkiste 'Den Geheimnissen der Flüssigkeiten auf der Spur' — •K. Jacobs, B. Jochum, F. Müller, A. Kasabova, M. Liénard, S. Grandthyll, C. Zeitz und C. Spengler
17:00 |
CPP 35.15 |
Microfluidic sorting of chiral particles — •Maria Zvyagolskaya and Clemens Bechinger
17:00 |
CPP 35.16 |
Continuous chiral separation in a post array — •Lukas Bogunovic, Marc Fliedner, Sonja Wegener, Peter Reimann, Dario Anselmetti, and Jan Regtmeier
17:00 |
CPP 35.17 |
Single cell protein analysis via two-color UV/VIS laser induced fluorescence detection in microfluidic devices — •Lukas Galla, Dominik Greif, Dario Anselmetti, and Jan Regtmeier
17:00 |
CPP 35.18 |
On-chip realization of mixing and demixing nanoparticles using dielectrophoresis — •Martina Everwand, Dario Anselmetti, and Jan Regtmeier
17:00 |
CPP 35.19 |
Microfluidic gate using self-assembling superstructures of superparamagnetic beads — •Bernhard Eickenberg, Frank Wittbracht, Alexander Weddemann, and Andreas Hütten
17:00 |
CPP 35.20 |
A model for swimming active droplets — •Maximilian Schmitt, Shashi Thutupalli, Holger Stark, and Stephan Herminghaus
17:00 |
CPP 35.21 |
Gold Capped Microparticles as Self-Propelled Switchable Swimmers — •Andreas Bregulla, Markus Selmke, Ralf Seidel, Michael Mertig, Klaus Kroy, and Frank Cichos
17:00 |
CPP 35.22 |
Gold Nanoparticle Deposition onto a Microstructured Polymer-coated Substrate Using a Flow-Stream Technique — •Gerd Herzog, Adeline Buffet, Jan Perlich, Mottakin M. Abul Kashem, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Gunthard Benecke, Volker Körstgens, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Rainer Gehrke, Wilfried Wurth, and Stephan V. Roth
17:00 |
CPP 35.23 |
Influence of an electric field on the two phase flows in porous media — •Benoît Semin, Matthias Schröter, and Jean-Christophe Baret
17:00 |
CPP 35.24 |
Droplet-based microfluidic systems for dynamic surface tension measurements — •Quentin Brosseau and Jean-Christophe Baret