14:00 |
CPP 43.1 |
Topical Talk:
(contribution withdrawn) NanoModel - Multi-Scale Modelling of Nano-Structured Polymeric Materials — •Horst Weiss
14:30 |
CPP 43.2 |
Modelling of stress and strain amplification effects in filled polymer melts — •Jan Domurath, Marina Saphiannikova, and Gert Heinrich
14:45 |
CPP 43.3 |
Structure Property Relationships of Nanocomposites based on Polypropylene and Layered Double Hydroxide — •Purv Purohit, Jesus Sanchez, and Andreas Schönhals
15:00 |
CPP 43.4 |
Small-angle scattering study of dispersion ability of polystyrene modified carbon nanotubes. — •Anastasia Golosova, Joseph Adelsberger, Alessandro Sepe, Martin Niedermeier, Sergio S. Funari, Peter Lindner, Rainer Jordan, and Christine M. Papadakis
15:15 |
CPP 43.5 |
Experimental study of the structure of aligned CNT/PS composites — •Marina Khaneft, Bernd Stühn, Jörg Engstler, Jörg Schneider, and Tinka Spehr
15:30 |
CPP 43.6 |
Free volume of interphases in model nanocomposites studied by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy — Stephan Harms, •Klaus Rätzke, Franz Faupel, Gerald J. Schneider, Lutz Willner, and Dieter Richter
15:45 |
CPP 43.7 |
Unique Splitting Behavior of the C-C Symmetric Stretching Mode as a Raman Signature of Conformational Order of Intercalated Alkyl Chains in Modified Clay Composites — •Patrice Donfack, Elena A. Sagitova1, Kirill A. Prokhorov, Kirill V. Vodopianov, Goulnara Yu. Nikolaeva, Viktor A. Gerasin, Nadezhda D. Merekalova, Arnulf Materny, Evgeny M. Antipov, and Pavel P. Pashinin
16:15 |
CPP 43.8 |
Fabrication, Characterization of Multifunctional Tetrapod-ZnO/Polymer Composites for Bioinspired Applications — •Xin Jin, Xinwei Zhu, Sebastian Wille, Arnim Schuchardt, Yogendra Kumar Mishra, and Rainer Adelung
16:30 |
CPP 43.9 |
Structure formation during evaporation of a droplet of PEG coated gold nanoparticles on a heterogeneous surface of block copolymers- an in situ μGISAXS combined with ellipsometry study — •Mottakin M. Abul Kashem, Volker Körstgens, Monika Rawolle, Adeline Buffet, Gerd Herzog, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Gunthard Benecke, Jan Perlich, Rainer Gehrke, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, and Stephan V. Roth
16:45 |
CPP 43.10 |
Gold Nanoparticles Decorated with Oligo(ethylene glycol) Thiols: Protein Resistance from Single Particle to Superlattice — •Fajun Zhang, Maximilian W. A. Skoda, Robert M. J. Jacobs, Claire Pizzey, and Frank Schreiber
17:00 |
CPP 43.11 |
(contribution withdrawn) Structure and dynamics of poly ethylene glycol grafted gold nanoparticles studied by neutron scattering — •Marco Maccarini
17:15 |
CPP 43.12 |
Surface Layering of suspended Au-Nanoparticles — •Volker Schön, Patrick Huber, Philip Born, and Tobias Krauss
17:30 |
CPP 43.13 |
In situ GISAXS investigation of Gold-sputter deposition onto colloidal polymer templates prepared by airbrush coating — •Adeline Buffet, Gerd Herzog, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Jan Perlich, Mottakin Abul Kashem, Volker Koerstgens, Peter Mueller-Buschbaum, and Stephan V. Roth
17:45 |
CPP 43.14 |
Highly uniform SERS substrates formed by wrinkle-confined drying of gold colloids — Nicolás Pazos-Pérez, Alexandra Schweikart, Andrea Fortini, Matthias Schmidt, Ramon Álvarez-Puebla, Luis M. Liz-Marzan, and •Andreas Fery
18:00 |
CPP 43.15 |
Topical Talk:
Are nanomaterials safe? Physico-chemical characterization for regulation and for life-cycle assessment of nanocomposites — •Wendel Wohlleben