17:30 |
CPP 9.1 |
AFM Micromechanics on Spheres and Capsules from Engineered Spider Silk — •Martin Peter Neubauer, Claudia Blüm, Thomas Scheibel, and Andreas Fery
17:30 |
CPP 9.2 |
Surface characterization of cellulose films and pulp by atomic force microscopy — •Christian Ganser, Oliver Miskovic, Franz Schmied, Robert Schennach, and Christian Teichert
17:30 |
CPP 9.3 |
The Salvinia effect: Measuring the water adhesion on structures of biological air retaining surfaces — •Daniel Gandyra, Matthias Mail, Aaron Weis, Anke Kaltenmaier, Matthias Barczewski, Stefan Walheim, Kerstin Koch, Martin Brede, Alfred Leder, Holger Bohn, Wilhelm Barthlott, and Thomas Schimmel
17:30 |
CPP 9.4 |
Wrinkling of cross-linked semiflexible polymer networks — •Pascal Müller and Jan Kierfeld
17:30 |
CPP 9.5 |
Star-PEG-Heparin-Polyelectrolyte-Hydrogels - Experiment, Theory, and Simulation — •Ron Dockhorn, Jens-Uwe Sommer, Uwe Freudenberg, Petra B. Welzel, Kandice Levental, and Carsten Werner
17:30 |
CPP 9.6 |
Protein reentrant condensation induced by Fe3+ and Al3+ — •Felix Roosen-Runge, Benjamin Heck, Fajun Zhang, Maximilian W. Skoda, Robert Jacobs, and Frank Schreiber
17:30 |
CPP 9.7 |
Broadscale examination of the influence of disorder on semiflexible polymers — •Sebastian Schöbl, Klaus Kroy, and Wolfhard Janke
17:30 |
CPP 9.8 |
Shear-flow enhanced conformational fluctuations of single-tethered DNA molecules — •Katrin Günther, Kristin Laube, and Michael Mertig
17:30 |
CPP 9.9 |
Forces of Interaction between Blank, Grafted and Blank-Grafted Colloids by Using Optical Tweezers — •Tim Stangner, Christof Gutsche, Mahdy M. Elmahdy, and Friedrich Kremer
17:30 |
CPP 9.10 |
Influence of Pulse Duration on the Polymerization Characteristic of Photosensitive Polymers and Biomolecules by Multiphoton Polymerization — •Andreas Omenzetter, Sascha Engelhardt, Martin Wehner, and Arnold Gillner