So, 16:00–18:30 |
HSZ 403 |
CPP 1: Tutorial: Physics with neutrons - from proteins via polymer thin films to spin waves |
Mo, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 2: Biopolymers and Biomaterials I (jointly with BP) |
Mo, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 3: Interfaces and Thin Films I |
Mo, 10:15–13:00 |
HSZ 103 |
CPP 4: Focus Session "Nanoparticles, Nanocrystals and Colloids" (jointly with MA) |
Mo, 14:00–17:30 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 5: Organic Semiconductors I: Solar Cells A (jointly with HL, DS) |
Mo, 14:00–17:30 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 6: Charged Soft Matter |
Mo, 14:00–17:30 |
ZEU 114 |
CPP 7: Interfaces and Thin Films II |
Mo, 17:30–19:30 |
P2 |
CPP 8: Poster: Organic Semiconductors |
Mo, 17:30–19:30 |
P2 |
CPP 9: Poster: Biopolymers and Biomaterials |
Mo, 17:30–19:30 |
P2 |
CPP 10: Poster: Charged Soft Matter |
Mo, 17:30–19:30 |
P2 |
CPP 11: Poster: New Instruments and Methods |
Di, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 12: Organic Semiconductors II: Solar Cells B (jointly with HL, DS) |
Di, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 13: Focused Session: Confinement of Polymers in Nanoscopic Layers - How Much do Properties Change? I |
Di, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 114 |
CPP 14: Elastomers and Gels |
Di, 14:00–15:15 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 15: Organic Semiconductors III: Aggregation and Nanostructures (jointly with HL, DS) |
Di, 14:00–15:30 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 16: Focused Session: Confinement of Polymers in Nanoscopic Layers - How Much do Properties Change? II |
Di, 14:00–15:15 |
ZEU 114 |
CPP 17: Liquid Crystals |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P1 |
CPP 18: Poster: Transport and Spectroscopy in Molecular Nanostructures (Intersectional Session with MO) |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P2 |
CPP 19: Poster: Interfaces and Thin Films |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P2 |
CPP 20: Poster: Computational Soft Matter Physics |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P2 |
CPP 21: Poster: Confinement of Polymers in Nanoscopic Layers - How Much do Properties Change? |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P2 |
CPP 22: Poster: Glass Transition and Dynamics of Liquids |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P2 |
CPP 23: Poster: Semicrystalline Polymers, Polymer Crystallization and Self-Assembly |
Di, 18:00–20:00 |
P2 |
CPP 24: Poster: Polymer Dynamics |
Mi, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 25: Colloids and Complex Liquids I - Structure |
Mi, 10:30–11:45 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 26: Polymer Dynamics |
Mi, 12:00–13:00 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 27: Polymer Self Assembly |
Mi, 10:15–13:00 |
ZEU 260 |
CPP 28: Biopolymers and Biomaterials II (jointly with BP) |
Mi, 15:00–17:45 |
ZEU 260 |
CPP 29: Biopolymers and Biomaterials III (jointly with BP) |
Mi, 10:15–13:00 |
KÖN Farb |
CPP 30: Glasses and Glass Transition I (jointly with DY, DF) |
Mi, 14:00–17:00 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 31: Organic Semiconductors IV: Excitations and Charges (jointly with HL, DS) |
Mi, 14:00–17:00 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 32: Transport and Spectroscopy in Molecular Nanostructures I (related to SYMN, jointly with MO) |
Mi, 14:00–16:45 |
MOL 213 |
CPP 33: Focused Session: Computational Polymer Physics - New Developments (jointly with DY) |
Mi, 17:00–19:00 |
P2 |
CPP 34: Poster: Elastomers and Gels |
Mi, 17:00–19:00 |
P2 |
CPP 35: Poster: Micro- and Nanofluidics |
Mi, 17:00–19:00 |
P2 |
CPP 36: Poster: Nanoparticles and Composite Materials |
Mi, 17:00–19:00 |
P2 |
CPP 37: Poster: Heterogeneous Nucleation and Microstructure Formation (related to SYMF) |
Mi, 17:00–19:00 |
P2 |
CPP 38: Poster: Colloids and Complex Liquids |
Do, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 39: Colloids and Complex Liquids II - Dynamics and Mechanical Properties |
Do, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 40: Polymer Crystallization and Semicrystalline Polymers |
Do, 10:45–13:00 |
ZEU 114 |
CPP 41: Glasses and Glass Transition II (jointly with DY, DF) |
Do, 10:30–13:00 |
TOE 317 |
CPP 42: Transport and Spectroscopy in Molecular Nanostructures II (related to SYMN, jointly with CPP) |
Do, 14:00–18:30 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 43: Nanoparticles and Composite Materials I |
Do, 14:00–18:00 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 44: Micro- and Nanofluidics I |
Do, 17:15–18:00 |
ZEU 114 |
CPP 45: Colloids and Complex Liquids III - External Fields |
Fr, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 222 |
CPP 46: Micro- and Nanofluidics II |
Fr, 10:30–12:45 |
ZEU 160 |
CPP 47: Heterogeneous Nucleation and Microstructure Formation (related to SYMF, jointly with MM) |
Fr, 10:30–13:00 |
ZEU 114 |
CPP 48: Nanoparticles and Composite Materials II |