Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 15: Plasmonics and Nanophotonics O-I (jointly with HL and O)
Montag, 14. März 2011, 15:00–17:00, PHY C213
15:00 |
DS 15.1 |
Quasistatic plasmon resonances in the visible spectral range of arbitrary shaped nano-grooves — •Camille Maxime, Aude Barbara, and Pascal Quemerais
15:15 |
DS 15.2 |
Coupled nanoantenna plasmon resonance spectra from two-photon laser excitation: longitudinal and transversal emission — •Matthias D. Wissert, Carola Moosmann, Konstantin S. Ilin, Michael Siegel, Uli Lemmer, and Hans-Jürgen Eisler
15:30 |
DS 15.3 |
Metallic nanorod arrays: negative refraction and optical properties explained by retarded dipolar interactions — •René Kullock, Stefan Grafström, Paul R. Evans, Robert J. Pollard, and Lukas M. Eng
15:45 |
DS 15.4 |
Photoemission Microscopy on Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Ag Islands — Niemma Buckanie, Pierre Kirschbaum, Simon Sindermann, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, and •Frank Meyer zu Heringdorf
16:00 |
DS 15.5 |
Experimental observation of decoupled plasmon resonances in metallic nanoparticles — •Reto Giannini, Yasin Ekinci, and Jörg F. Löffler
16:15 |
DS 15.6 |
Modeling Metallic Nanostructures using a Discontinuous Galerkin Approach — •Jens Niegemann, Michael König, Christopher Prohm, Timo Köllner, and Kurt Busch
16:30 |
DS 15.7 |
Mode imaging and selection in strongly coupled nanoantennas — Jer-Shing Huang, •Johannes Kern, Peter Geisler, Pia Weinmann, Martin Kamp, Alfred Forchel, Paolo Biagioni, and Bert Hecht
16:45 |
DS 15.8 |
Size, gap, shape, and material dependence of third harmonic generation from bowtie nanoantenna arrays — •Mario Hentschel, Tobias Utikal, Markus Lippitz, and Harald Giessen