Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 20: Application of Thin Films
Dienstag, 15. März 2011, 10:15–12:15, GER 38
10:15 |
DS 20.1 |
Thin isolators consisting of aluminum oxide and self-assembled monolayers for tunnel diodes — •Andreas Hochmeister, Mario Bareiss, Ute Zschieschang, Hagen Klauk, Bernhard Fabel, Giuseppe Scarpa, and Paolo Lugli
10:30 |
DS 20.2 |
The influence of the crystallinity of TiO2 on the resistive switching behavior of memristor devices — •Hannes Mähne, Stefan Slesazeck, Stefan Jakschik, and Thomas Mikolajick
10:45 |
DS 20.3 |
Coexistence of filamentary and homogeneous resistive switching in Fe-doped SrTiO3 thin film memristive devices — Ruth Münstermann, •Regina Dittmann, Tobias Menke, Ingo Krug, Daesung Park, Joachim Mayer, and Rainer Waser
11:00 |
DS 20.4 |
AlN-based microstructures for biocompatible piezo-generation — •Nicola Heidrich, Fabian Knöbber, Vadim Lebedev, Ram Ekwal Sah, Oliver Ambacher, and Volker Cimalla
11:15 |
DS 20.5 |
Nanoscaled photoelectron ionisation detector based on lanthanum hexaboride — •Cordula M. Zimmer, Jürgen Schubert, Ulrich Kunze, and Theodor Doll
11:30 |
DS 20.6 |
Characterization of ITO films on fluorescent borate glasses — •Franziska Steudel, Nico Teuscher, Susanne Richter, Andreas Heilmann, Christan Hagendorf, Paul-Tiberiu Miclea, and Stefan Schweizer
11:45 |
DS 20.7 |
A-periodic multilayer development for attosecond pulses in the 300-500 eV photon energy range — Alexander Guggenmos, Michael Hofstetter, Roman Rauhut, and •Ulf Kleineberg
12:00 |
DS 20.8 |
Ultra fast electrochromic switching of nanoporous tungstentantalum oxide films — •Robin Kirchgeorg, Steffen Berger, and Patrik Schmuki