Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 31: Spins in Organic Materials II (Focused Session, jointly with MA -- Organisers: Salvan, Hess, Timm)
Mittwoch, 16. März 2011, 15:45–16:45, GER 37
15:45 |
DS 31.1 |
Topical Talk:
Organic spintronics and the great potential of ferromagnetic metal-organic interfaces — •Martin Aeschlimann
16:15 |
DS 31.2 |
Investigation of the chemical and electronic structure of CoPc from monolayer to thick films by photoemission spectroscopy — •Uwe Treske, Mandy Grobosch, Feng Zhu, and Martin Knupfer
16:30 |
DS 31.3 |
Cobalt-Meq3 (Me=Al, In, Ga) interface formation studied by spin- and time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy — •Nicolas Großmann, Sabine Steil, Martin Laux, Andreas Ruffing, Indranil Sarkar, Mirko Cinchetti, and Martin Aeschlimann