10:15 |
DS 36.1 |
Optical Gain in Rolled-up Semiconductor/Metal Metamaterials — Stephan Schwaiger, Markus Broell, Ricardo Costa, Matthias Klingbeil, Aune Koitmae, Wolfgang Hansen, Detlef Heitmann, and •Stefan Mendach
10:30 |
DS 36.2 |
Calculation of Transmission through rolled-up three dimensional Metamaterials — •Andreas Rottler, Stephan Schwaiger, Aune Koitmäe, Matthias Klingbeil, Markus Bröll, Detlef Heitmann, and Stefan Mendach
10:45 |
DS 36.3 |
Auxiliary basis functions for the Wannier function based 2D TE photonic crystal circuit design — •Patrick Mack, Christian Wolff, and Kurt Busch
11:00 |
DS 36.4 |
Coupling model for the derivation of optical resonances in stacked nanogratings — •Thomas Weiss, Nikolay A. Gippius, Sergei G. Tikhodeev, Gérard Granet, Liwei Fu, Richard Taubert, and Harald Giessen
11:15 |
DS 36.5 |
3D photonic crystal integrated in a mircomorph thin film silicon tandem cell — •Johannes Üpping, Thomas Beckers, Reinhard Carius, Uwe Rau, Stephan Fahr, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer, Matthias Kroll, Thomas Pertsch, Lorenz Steidl, Rudolf Zentel, and Ralf B. Wehrspohn
11:30 |
DS 36.6 |
Angle-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in photonic crystals — •Rebecca Wagner, Lars Heerklotz, and Frank Cichos
11:45 |
DS 36.7 |
The Concepts of Self-assembled 3D Photonic Crystals for High Temperature IR reflective coatings — •Hooi Sing Lee, Alexander Petrov, Manfred Eich, Roman Kubrin, Gerold Scheider, Julien Bachmann, and Kornelius Nielsch
12:00 |
DS 36.8 |
Bio-inspired multifunctional photonic systems — •Mathias Kolle, Peter Vukusic, and Joanna Aizenberg