10:15 |
DS 40.1 |
Charge transport and electron trapping in a donor/acceptor-type copolymer — •Marcel Schubert, Eduard Preis, Ullrich Scherf, and Dieter Neher
10:30 |
DS 40.2 |
Investigation of Charge Transfer States in MDMO-PPV:PCBM Solar Cells — •Julia Kern, Sebastian Schwab, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
10:45 |
DS 40.3 |
Structure-Property-Relations in PPE-PPV based Polymer Solar Cells — •Christian Kästner, Burhan Muhsin, Adam Getachew, Christoph Ulbricht, Özlem Usluer, Daniel Ayuk Mbi Egbe, and Harald Hoppe
11:00 |
DS 40.4 |
Morphological aspects of the exciton transport in molecular thin films — •A.K. Topczak, T. Roller, and J. Pflaum
11:15 |
DS 40.5 |
Electronic Trap States in Methanofullerenes and their Influence on Organic Solar Cells — •Julia Schafferhans, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
11:30 |
DS 40.6 |
Luminescence imaging of polymer solar cells: visualization of progressing degradation — Marco Seeland, •Roland Rösch, and Harald Hoppe
12:00 |
DS 40.7 |
Quantitative Description of Electroluminescence Images of Polymer Solar Cells — •Marco Seeland, Roland Rösch, and Harald Hoppe
12:15 |
DS 40.8 |
Investigation of Field-dependent Charge Carrier Generation and Recombination in Polymer Based Solar Cells by Transient Extraction Currents — •Juliane Kniepert, James Blakesley, and Dieter Neher
12:30 |
DS 40.9 |
Influence of phase separation on the recombination dynamics of trapped charges in disordered organic semiconductors — •Julien Gorenflot, Matthias Gunz, Andreas Kämpgen, Jens Lohrmann, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
12:45 |
DS 40.10 |
Determination of the built-in voltage of BHJ solar cells by temperature dependent photocurrent measurements — •Markus Mingebach, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
13:00 |
DS 40.11 |
Charge Transport and Recombination Dynamics in Oxygen Exposed P3HT:PCBM Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells — •Alexander Foertig, Andreas Baumann, Julia Schafferhans, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
13:15 |
DS 40.12 |
Charge transport measurements by transient techniques and their detailed evaluation — •Jens Lorrmann, David Vocke, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov