Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 45: Ion Interactions with Nano Scale Materials I (Focused Session -- Organisers: Diesing, Facsko)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 11:00–13:00, GER 37
11:00 |
DS 45.1 |
Electron emission in the interaction of slow ions and electrons with nanostructured surfaces — Pierfrancesco Riccardi, Michele Pisarra, and •Antonio Sindona
11:15 |
DS 45.2 |
Topical Talk:
Energy dissipation in the scattering of N2 from W(110) — •J. Inaki Juaristi
11:45 |
DS 45.3 |
Internal Electron Emission detected in Metal-Insulator-Metal Thin Film Tunnel Devices bombarded with keV Cluster Projectiles — •Mario Marpe, Christian Heuser, Detlef Diesing, and Andreas Wucher
12:00 |
DS 45.4 |
Time resolved transport of alkali ions through ultra-thin films — •Susanne Schulze and Karl-Michael Weitzel
12:15 |
DS 45.5 |
Monitoring particle and photo induced electronic excitations by metal–insulator–semiconductor devices — •Kevin Stella, Domocos A. Kovacs, Wolfgang Brezna, Jürgen Smoliner, and Detlef Diesing
12:30 |
DS 45.6 |
Ion Beam Irradiation of Nanostructures - A 3D Monte Carlo Simulation Code — •Christian Borschel and Carsten Ronning
12:45 |
DS 45.7 |
Production and design of quantum dot lattices by ion beam irradiation — •Maja Buljan, Iva Bogdanović-Radović, Nikola Radić, Marko Karlušić, Goran Dražić, Sigrid Bernstorff, and Holy Vaclav