Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 50: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics I (jointly with CPP, HL, and O)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 10:15–11:45, GER 38
10:15 |
DS 50.1 |
Structuring of Organic Conductors by Laser Ablation — •Alexander Esser, Moritz Schaefer, Jens Holtkamp, and Arnold Gillner
10:30 |
DS 50.2 |
Investigation of the origin of the memory effect in devices based on C60 — •Philipp Sebastian, Alexander Zakhidov, Björn Lüssem, and Karl Leo
10:45 |
DS 50.3 |
Growth and morphology of aluminium contacts on P3HT films — •Gunar Kaune, Robert Meier, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Volker Körstgens, Kai Schlage, Sebastien Couet, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
11:00 |
DS 50.4 |
Effect of high-k substrates on the photocurrent of organic semiconductors: Tailoring the Coulomb interaction — •Miriam Engel, Doru C. Lupascu, Niels Benson, and Roland Schmechel
11:15 |
DS 50.5 |
Organic pin-Diodes with Adjustable Current-Voltage Performance Applicable at Ultra-High-Frequencies — •Hans Kleemann, Christoph Schünemann, Paul Pahner, Alexander A. Zakhidov, Björn Lüssem, and Karl Leo
11:30 |
DS 50.6 |
Photoinduced degradation process of Fir6 emitter molecules: a laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry investigation — •Ines Rabelo de Moraes, Ruben Seifert, Sebastian Scholz, Björn Lüssem, and Karl Leo