Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 56: Plasmonics and Nanophotonics O-VI (jointly with HL and O)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 11:15–13:00, WIL A317
11:15 |
DS 56.1 |
Nano-plasmonics with single epitaxial quantum dots — •Markus Pfeiffer, Klas Lindfors, Christian Wolpert, Paola Atkinson, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, Harald Giessen, and Markus Lippitz
11:30 |
DS 56.2 |
Extraordinary Kerr effect in the transmission through ferromagnetic-plasmonic hybrid nanostructures — •M Pohl, V Belotelov, I Akimov, V Kotov, S Kasture, A Vengurlekar, A Gopal, D Yakovlev, A Zvezdin, and M Bayer
11:45 |
DS 56.3 |
Distinguishing between ultrafast optical harmonic generation and multi-photon-induced luminescence from ZnO thin films by interferometric frequency-resolved autocorrelation microscopy — •Slawa Schmidt, Manfred Mascheck, Martin Silies, Takashi Yatsui, Kokoro Kitamura, Motoichi Ohtsu, and Christoph Lienau
12:00 |
DS 56.4 |
Nanooptical control of hot-spot field superenhancement and long-lived coherences on a corrugated silver surface — Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Stefan Cunovic, Alexander Fischer, Christian Kramer, Pascal Melchior, Walter Pfeiffer, Christian Schneider, •Christian Strüber, Philip Tuchscherer, and Dmitri V. Voronine
12:15 |
DS 56.5 |
Hotspot related plasmon assisted multiphoton photocurrents in metal-insulator-metal junctions — •Dominik Differt, Detlef Diesing, and Walter Pfeiffer
12:30 |
DS 56.6 |
Controlling two-photon excited luminescence in gold nanostructures with polarization pulse shaping — •Giovanni Piredda, Zhimin Shi, Caroline Gollub, Regina de Vivie-Riedle, and Achim Hartschuh
12:45 |
DS 56.7 |
Investigation of polarization effects in reconstruction of highly focused vector beams using the knife-edge method — •Christian Huber, Pavel Marchenko, Sergejus Orlovas, Peter Banzer, Ulf Peschel, and Gerd Leuchs