Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 57: Plasmonics and Nanophotonics O-VII (jointly with HL and O)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 15:00–16:15, WIL A317
15:00 |
DS 57.1 |
Optical and electronic properties of Ag clusters on SiO2 — •Sabrina Hoffmann, Kamil Latussek, Stefanie Duffe, Christian Sternemann, Ralph Wagner, and Heinz Hövel
15:15 |
DS 57.2 |
Quantifying Chirality in 2D and 3D Metallic Metamaterials — •Martin Schäferling, Daniel Drégely, Thomas Weiss, and Harald Giessen
15:30 |
DS 57.3 |
Weak localization of light in ZnO nanorods in space and time — •Manfred Mascheck, Slawa Schmidt, Martin Silies, David Leipold, Erich Runge, Takashi Yatsui, Kokoro Kitamura, Motoichi Ohtsu, and Christoph Lienau
15:45 |
DS 57.4 |
Octave-wide Photonic Band Gap in Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Bragg Structures — •Richard Taubert and Harald Giessen
16:00 |
DS 57.5 |
Palladium-based perfect plasmonic absorber in the visible and its application to hydrogen sensing — •Andreas Tittl, Patrick Mai, Richard Taubert, Thomas Weiss, Na Liu, and Harald Giessen