Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 9: Thin Film Characterisation: Structure Analysis and Composition (XRD, TEM, XPS, SIMS, RBS, ...) II
Montag, 14. März 2011, 12:00–13:00, GER 38
12:00 |
DS 9.1 |
The interface of epitaxial bixbyite-structured rare-earth sesquioxides on Si(111) — •Michael Niehle, Tatsuro Watahiki, and Achim Trampert
12:15 |
DS 9.2 |
Structure of heteroepitaxial type-B oriented CeO2(111) on cubic- and hexagonal-Pr2O3/Si(111) supports — •Marvin Zoellner, Joachim Wollschläger, Marcus Bäumer, Michael Reichling, Peter Zaumseil, and Thomas Schroeder
12:30 |
DS 9.3 |
Epitaxial growth of GeTe on Si(111) and in-situ compositional analysis — •Karthick Perumal, Wolfgang Braun, and Raffaella Calarco
12:45 |
DS 9.4 |
Electron microscopy study of amorphous SiCN hard coatings — •Andrea Sendzik, Steffen Schulze, Marcus Günther, Frank Richter, and Michael Hietschold