Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 18: Quantum Hall Effect
Montag, 14. März 2011, 14:30–15:30, POT 151
14:30 |
HL 18.1 |
Huge Magnetoresistance in a High Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gas — •Lina Bockhorn, Patrick Barthold, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, and Rolf J. Haug
14:45 |
HL 18.2 |
THz photoresponse of quantum Hall edge channels — •Christian Notthoff, Kevin Rachor, Detlfe Heitmann, Dirk Reuter, Andreas Wieck, and Axel Lorke
15:00 |
HL 18.3 |
Probing electron-electron interactions in quantum Hall systems by scanning tunneling spectroscopy — •Marcus Liebmann, Stefan Becker, Christoph Karrasch, Torge Mashoff, Marco Pratzer, Volker Meden, and Markus Morgenstern
15:15 |
HL 18.4 |
Theory of the microwave induced zero resistance states in two-dimensional electron systems — •Sergey Mikhailov