16:30 |
HL 64.1 |
Electronic Transport Properties of Nb/InAs-Nanowire/Nb Josephson Junctions — Yusuf Günel, Igor Batov, •Hilde Hardtdegen, Kamil Sladek, Andreas Einden, Gregor Panaitov, Detlev Grützmacher, and Thomas Schäpers
16:45 |
HL 64.2 |
Mode-filtered electron injection into a waveguide interferometer — •S.S. Buchholz, S.F. Fischer, U. Kunze, D. Reuter, and A.D. Wieck
17:00 |
HL 64.3 |
Quantum Faraday Effect and Gauge Invariance in Aharonov-Bohm loops — •Kicheon Kang
17:15 |
HL 64.4 |
Single ion implantation in semiconductor nanowires — •Raphael Niepelt, Andreas Johannes, Martin Gnauck, Irma Slowik, Sebastian Geburt und Carsten Ronning
17:30 |
HL 64.5 |
Persistent Ion Beam induced Conduction in Semiconductor Nanowires — •Andreas Johannes, Raphael Niepelt, Martin Gnauck, Irma Slowik, Andreas Thielmann, Sebastian Geburt, Ulrich Schröder, David Stoll, and Carsten Ronning
17:45 |
HL 64.6 |
Efficient simulation of cylindrical nanowire heterostructures by means of the R-matrix formalism — •Paul Nicolae Racec, Hans-Christoph Kaiser, and Klaus Gärtner
18:15 |
HL 64.7 |
Anomalous structures in the conductance of Si/SiGe quantum wires — •Joeren von Pock, Daniel Salloch, Gang Qiao, Ulrich Kunze, and Thomas Hackbarth
18:30 |
HL 64.8 |
Electronic transport in tapered triangular-shaped InN nanowires — •Christian Blömers, Jia Grace Lu, Christopher Witte, Hans Lüth, Detlev Grützmacher, and Thomas Schäpers
18:45 |
HL 64.9 |
Formation of p-Si/ZnO nanowire heterostrcutures for light emitting devices — •Yaser Haj Hmeidi, Rapheal Niepelt, Martin Gnauck, Frank Schmidl, and Carsten Ronning
19:00 |
HL 64.10 |
Coupling molecular spin states by photon-assisted tunneling — •Lars Schreiber, Floris Braakman, Tristan Meunier, Victor Calado, Jeroen Danon, Jake Taylor, Werner Wegscheider, and Lieven Vandersypen
19:15 |
HL 64.11 |
The 0.7-anomaly of quantum point contacts — towards understanding its microscopic origin — •David Borowsky, Enrico Schubert, Daniela Taubert, Werner Wegscheider, and Stefan Ludwig