Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 66: Joint Session: Plasmonics and Nanophotonics
Mittwoch, 16. März 2011, 17:15–19:15, GER 38
17:15 |
HL 66.1 |
Simulation of second harmonic generation from split ring resonators with the Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain method — •Yevgen Grynko, Torsten Meier, and Jens Förstner
17:30 |
HL 66.2 |
Analysis of optimization techniques for coherent optical control in nanostructures — •Tobias Fankhänel, Torsten Meier, and Jens Förstner
17:45 |
HL 66.3 |
Two state lasing from a quantum dot laser — •Diana Khabipova, Kathy Lüdge, Niels Majer, and Eckehard Schöll
18:00 |
HL 66.4 |
Analytical approach to modulation properties of quantum dot lasers — •Kathy Lüdge, Evgeny Viktorov, Thomas Erneux, and Eckehard Schöll
18:15 |
HL 66.5 |
Periodic Nanostructures: Spatial dispersion mimics chirality — •Bruno Gompf, Julia Braun, Thomas Weiss, Harald Giessen, Martin Dressel, and Uwe Hübner
18:30 |
HL 66.6 |
New transparent conductive metal based on polymer composite — •mehdi keshavarz hedayati, mohammad jamali, thomas strunkus, vladimir zaporochentko, franz faupel, and mady elbahri
18:45 |
HL 66.7 |
A self-assembly route to mesoporous Bragg reflectors — •Stefan Guldin, Matthias Kolle, Morgan Stefik, Richard Langford, Dominik Eder, Ulrich Wiesner, and Ullrich Steiner
19:00 |
HL 66.8 |
Launching Surface Plasmons by Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence — •Nicolai Hartmann, Johann Berthelot, Alexandre Bouhelier, and Achim Hartschuh