Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 54: Spin Excitations I
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 15:00–17:00, HSZ 04
15:00 |
MA 54.1 |
An X-ray View on Ultrafast Magnetization Switching of GdFeCo — •Ilie Radu, Kadir Vahaplar, Christian Stamm, Torsten Kachel, Niko Pontius, Hermann Dürr, Thomas Ostler, Joe Barker, Richard Evans, Roy Chantrell, Arata Tsukamoto, Akiyoshi Itoh, Andrei Kirilyuk, Theo Rasing, and Alexey Kimel
15:15 |
MA 54.2 |
Magnetization reversal process in Permalloy nanostructures — Markus König, Saleh Getlawi, •Haibin Gao, and Uwe Hartmann
15:30 |
MA 54.3 |
Magnetic excitations of atomic systems by femtosecond laser pulses — •Daria Popova, Andreas Bringer, and Stefan Blügel
15:45 |
MA 54.4 |
Structural Effects on Magnon Excitations in Ultrathin Fe Films — •Tzu-Hung Chuang, Yu Zhang, Khalil Zakeri, and Jürgen Kirschner
16:00 |
MA 54.5 |
Interface electron complexes and Landau spin-wave damping in ultrathin magnets — Pawel Buczek, Arthur Ernst, and •Leonid Sandratskii
16:15 |
MA 54.6 |
Scaling behavior of the spin pumping effect in conductive ferromagnet/platinum bilayers — Franz D. Czeschka, Lukas Dreher, Martin S. Brandt, Matthias Althammer, Inga-Mareen Imort, Günter Reiss, Andy Thomas, Wladimir Schoch, Wolfgang Limmer, Hans Huebl, Rudolf Gross, and •Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein
16:30 |
MA 54.7 |
Theory of ac driven resonant spin amplification and depletion in FNF spin valves: prediction of negative GMR — •Denis Kochan, Martin Gmitra, and Jaroslav Fabian
16:45 |
MA 54.8 |
(contribution withdrawn) Non-Collinear Ferromagnetic Luttinger Liquids — •Nicholas Sedlmayr, Sebastian Eggert, and Jesko Sirker