Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 56: Graphene (jointly with DY, DS, HL, O, TT)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 15:15–17:00, HSZ 401
15:15 |
MA 56.1 |
Tunable edge magnetism in graphene — •Manuel J. Schmidt, Daniel Loss, David J. Luitz, and Fakher F. Assaad
15:30 |
MA 56.2 |
Ballistic transport at room temperature in micrometer size multigraphene — •Srujana Dusari, José Luis Barzola Quiquia, Pablo Esquinazi, and Nicolas Garcia
15:45 |
MA 56.3 |
Long spin relaxation times in bilayer graphene — •Frank Volmer, Tsung-Yeh Yang, Jayakumar Balakrishnan, Ahmet Avsar, Manu Jaiswal, Julia Samm, Syed Rizwan Ali, Alexandre Felix Pachoud, Ming-Gang Zeng, Mihaita Popinciuc, Barbaros Özyilmaz, Gernot Güntherodt, and Bernd Beschoten
16:00 |
MA 56.4 |
The graphene Landau quartet unveiled — •Sander Otte, Young Jae Song, and Joseph Stroscio
16:15 |
MA 56.5 |
Emergent magnetism of 5d transition-metal adatoms on Graphene — •Hongbin Zhang, Cesar Lazo, Stefan Blügel, Stefan Heinze, and Yuriy Mokrousov
16:30 |
MA 56.6 |
Anisotropic magnetoresistance observed in graphite flakes — •Jose Barzola-Quiquia, Andreas Schadewitz, Winfried Böhlmann, and Pablo Esquinazi
16:45 |
MA 56.7 |
Magnetic clusters on graphene flakes — •Wolfgang Landgraf, Sam Shallcross, and Oleg Pankratov