Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 10: Computational Materials Modelling III
Montag, 14. März 2011, 15:45–17:30, IFW B
15:45 |
MM 10.1 |
Atomistic simulations of dislocations in strontium titanate — •Pierre Hirel, Matous Mrovec, and Christian Elsässer
16:00 |
MM 10.2 |
Elasticity and Screw Dislocations in W-Re and W-Ta Alloys — •Hong Li, Lorenz Romaner, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, and Reinhard Pippan
16:15 |
MM 10.3 |
DFT study of impurities at grain boundaries in α-Fe — Elwira Wachowicz and •Adam Kiejna
16:30 |
MM 10.4 |
Simulation der Korngrenzenbeweglichkeit in Aluminium mittels Molekulardynamik — •Volker Mohles und Jian Zhou
16:45 |
MM 10.5 |
Plasticity of Cu and Pd nanoparticles in nanoextrusion — •Antti Tolvanen and Karsten Albe
17:00 |
MM 10.6 |
DFT calculation on Fe/ZrO2-Interfaces — •Jürgen Kutzner and Jens Kortus
17:15 |
MM 10.7 |
Studying grain growth in SrTiO3 by diffraction contrast tomography and simulation — •Melanie Syha, Wolfgang Rheinheimer, Michael Bäurer, Erik M. Lauridsen, Wolfgang Ludwig, and Daniel Weygand