Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 35: Topical Session Heterogeneous Nucleation I
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 11:00–13:00, IFW D
11:00 |
MM 35.1 |
Topical Talk:
On selected methodological challenges at the interface between quantum-mechanical approaches and phase-field modeling methods in computational materials science — •Martin Friak, Li-Fang Zhu, Alexey Dick, Alexander Udyansky, Johann von Pezold, Heike Emmerich, and Jörg Neugebauer
11:30 |
MM 35.2 |
Scale-Bridging Simulation on Atomistic and Mesoscopic Length Scales. — •Marco Berghoff and Britta Nestler
11:45 |
MM 35.3 |
Crystal growth, solid-liquid interfaces and nucleation in simple model systems: Computer simulations of Nickel — Roberto E. Rozas and •Jürgen Horbach
12:00 |
MM 35.4 |
Phase-field simulations of inoculation and subsequent peritectic solidification in Ti-Al-B — •Markus Apel, Janin Eiken, and Ulrike Hecht
12:15 |
MM 35.5 |
growth of a two-phase finger in eutectic systems — •Guillaume Boussinot, Claas Hueter, and Efim Brener
12:30 |
MM 35.6 |
Dendritic solidification along liquid-liquid interfaces — •Claas Hüter, Guillaume Boussinot, Efim Brener, Dimitri Temkin, and Robert Spatschek
12:45 |
MM 35.7 |
Experimental determination of nucleation rates — •Joachim Bokeloh and Gerhard Wilde