MM 6: Topical Session TEM II
Monday, March 14, 2011, 14:30–15:30, IFW A
14:30 |
MM 6.1 |
Topical Talk:
Excitation of Surface Plasmon Resonances in Metallic Nanostructures — •Peter van Aken, Wilfried Sigle, Burcu Ögüt, Nahid Talebi, Christoph Koch, and Ralf Vogelgesang
15:00 |
MM 6.2 |
Aberration-corrected imaging of binary metal nanoparticles — •Darius Pohl, Björn Bieniek, Elias Mohn, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
15:15 |
MM 6.3 |
Metadislocations in Complex Metallic Alloys: A High-Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Study — •Marc Heggen, Lothar Houben, and Michael Feuerbacher