Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 1: Biomolecules
Montag, 14. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, TOE 317
10:30 |
MO 1.1 |
Two-photon fluorescence excitation (TPF) spectroscopy of photosynthetic pigments and pigment-protein complexes — •Alexander Betke, Bernd Voigt, Heiko Lokstein, and Ralf Menzel
10:45 |
MO 1.2 |
A computational study of polyalanine-based peptides and their microsolvation — •Sucismita Chutia, Mariana Rossi, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler
11:00 |
MO 1.3 |
Catching Proteins in Liquid Helium Droplets — •Frank Filsinger, Frauke Bierau, Peter Kupser, Gerard Meijer, and Gert von Helden
11:15 |
MO 1.4 |
Coarse graining protein motion: FIRST/FRODA and normal modes of motion. Can theory meet experiment? — •J Emilio Jimenez-Roldan, Stephen A Wells, Robert B Freedman, and Rudolf A Röemer
11:30 |
MO 1.5 |
First-principles study of the conformational space of the NTA His-tag anchoring system for peptide force spectroscopy — •Franziska Schubert, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler
11:45 |
MO 1.6 |
IR spectra of microhydrated acetanilide cluster cations — •Matthias Schmies, Alexander Patzer, Kohei Tanabe, Mitsuhiko Miyazaki, Masaaki Fujii, and Otto Dopfer
12:00 |
MO 1.7 |
Ab initio calculation of interactions of Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Cd2+, Hg2+ and Pb2+ with 19 amino acids — •Matti Ropo, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler
12:15 |
MO 1.8 |
Onset of α-helical preference on gas-phase Ac-Alan-LysH+: insights from ab initio theory — •Mariana Rossi, Volker Blum, Xinguo Ren, and Matthias Scheffler
12:30 |
MO 1.9 |
The impact of Li+ ions on the conformation of the prolyl-peptide bond — •Carsten Baldauf, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler
12:45 |
MO 1.10 |
Femtolysis – Investigation of biological relevant molecules by femtosecond lasers coupled to a FT-ICR mass spectrometer — •Christian Neidel, Andreas Kühn, Frank Noack, Claus Peter Schulz, Ingolf V. Hertel, and Michael Linscheid